As you can see, I have ‘kind of’ let this lay for a while. I have had to look at the ministry that I have been called to and had to make more room for those who believe they have it all dialed in. i.e. Not just their Relationship with The LORD, yet including everyone else’s too. I have a lot to say about this, yet I will only touch on it now.
I have a brother, my Mother’s third child, (There are six of us, in case it matters.) [whew! How much is enough? I am the oldest.] who has just had over half of his tongue removed, because of a malignant growth. Cells in his tonsils and lips that will be treated with radiation. He made The Lord Savior years ago, yet soon after, pursued his own direction. He has a pacemaker and has had so many things happen to him that he should have been dead years ago. e.g. Billiard Balls bounce off his head, etc. In other words, he has not made HIM LORD of his life.
Saturday he told me that because of his heavy drinking and smoking, he was a whole lot more susceptible to it! Sunday when I questioned him on what he thought about all the (Really Miraculous.) chances he has had, he again informed me that if he woke up with a shovel full of dirt in his face that he would be with The LORD! I was not asking him about that, yet he let me know emphatically that that was already established and poured in concrete.
My Aunt, who is 89 and been praying for all of her brother’s off spring since we were born … WOW and I was going to make this quick! My Aunt inferred that in spite of all her prayers, that he was not saved, when questioning her how she knew, her reference was to all the sin of drinking and smoking. (Please Note that this is more involved and I am doing my best to ‘Cut To The Chase’.)
I have a spiritual son, (One of Many.) who has left wife and family to move in with another woman. (I had got wind of it several months ago and it broke my heart. I have been ministering to him for close to 30 years.) He told me that he (and this other she) has been in church seeking God’s Face more in the last three months than he and the first, she had, in two decades. By The Way, he is not the first one who has done this. (Some might [like to] say, ‘Like Father, Like Son’! ‘Pretty close’, yet I took a step of Faith, that has brought in Fruition for over thirty years.)
When explaining this to my aunt, as another reference to where my brother was, above, she implied that he was not saved, because of this horrendous sin. Well anyway, he called me this morning and assured me one thing he knew for sure, was that God loved him without reservation. When it boiled down to the nitty gritty his sin is being a double minded man, unstable in all his ways. Everything else is only circumstances and ramifications of that root, ‘Lack Of Faith’.
In other words, even tho she knew it, it was hard to convey to her that there was no difference in those horrendous sins above and her breaking a fingernail and saying, ‘Turkey Lips’ knowing that she was cursing when she said it!
Well my brother is now reflecting on whether it is important for him to hear in that day of reckoning, ‘Well Done, MY Good and Faithful Servant’ or not.
My protégée has today a foundation of Knowing that God loves him without reservation and is now in the process to establish his next step on building on that foundation.
Now! That I have that established, I will continue next time with “Thoughts! “Other Belief Systems For Business” By The Way, for you who are wondering about my
Thoughts, I do know the Scriptures to confirm my position. Mt. 7:7;
Be Blessed, 1 aka DP ‘I Shall Return!’
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