Sunday, September 21, 2008

More Thoughts: Factions in the Church!

Loved of The LORD,
Continuing on the thought about factions in the Church, I know there will be some who will say that Paul did not condone factions, in order to refute my thought in post below. Re: 1Cor 11:19.
Ok, let me agree with them for the sake of unity. It is never conducive for fruition, to have any kind of conflict when promoting, producing and/or publishing any good of any kind, especially The Good News of Jesus.

Nevertheless, as painful the pruning and culling that incurs in all productions, they are necessary, in order to harvest a crop of maximum fruition.

While reading I came across this verse that goes hand in hand: Luk 9:50 But Jesus said unto him, Forbid him not: for he that is not against you is for you.

What is almost hilarious, had it not been sad, that Jesus had to rebuke the ‘Son’s Of Thunder’ for wanting to pull off their own agenda, several times. Four verses later, they want to call down fire from heaven, because the Samaritans did not welcome Jesus.

So many times the differences are more important to point out and refute than paying attention to one’s own calling and reaping their own share of the benefits and results.

Yes! No Doubt! Should I make the effort, I could find something about what you believe that I could inexorably disagree with. Nevertheless, while camping out on that and wasting time energy and effort to prove you wrong, those passing me on by on their way to hell are neglected!

SO! There must be something here that you disagree with. Make a comment so we can get it on!

Just Kidding! ;-) Be Blessed, 1 aka DP