Loved Of The LORD, need to give you a little more of this “Won Preacher’s” Domestic Ministry to lead into the next Story. To preface even this portion, I have to go back three decades to re-commitment to The LORD, as my Savior and making HIM LORD of my life. Remembering seeing seasoned believers watching me (And Helping me grow.) with a big smile on their face. Myself being blessed and basking in the deliverance from Alcohol, Tobacco and a Filthy Mouth partaking of that Real Live Zeal for GOD and HIS Ways, that never shadowed by the neophyte finesse that was always present. I always came forth with a “Praise The LORD!” at Every opportunity, never intimidated by who may be present. Laying hands on and praying at the drop of a dime.
Today I still enjoy being around a Fired Up Baby Christian and love to love them and encourage them, as they Splash all over me, while having that same grin on my face as those present thirty years ago watching me.
No Doubt most of you know about ‘Brother Andrews’ “GOD’s Smuggler”. That phenomenal work “Open Doors” accomplished getting Bibles into the
Said all of that to say this: In that first fifteen years or so being a part with the FGBMFI, when Demas was still alive, (A men’s Global Parachurch Organization) we found ourselves somewhat smuggling food & clothes into Mexico. The reason was that Mexican Customs &/or Immigration wanted ‘Payola$’ or at least a cut of what we were taking in. Enabling us to minister to fledgling churches, orphanages and even just setting up on the street, feeding, and clothing poor people while one of the brothers published The Gospel in Spanish.
On one of our trips, we were taking a Van in to a little Church for their use in the ministry. Something was wrong with it and it was barely making it up the hills on the way to
The van did not have current tags on it and going up one hill a CHP was passing all of us up on this two lane road and got stuck behind the van. No arms out this time, nevertheless, we were all praying and after what seemed like 10 minutes, the CHP passed the van up with out stopping it. Talk about the Praising The LORD!!! As if The Lord put Blinders on him, to never see the expired tags!
This is longer than I thought, so let me finish with this. In
While doing this an experience came to mind about me having a an old Studebaker doing just about the same thing. What I finally figured out after several days of it trying to quit going up a hill was that the fuel line had a tiny pebble it front of the fuel filter. Keep in mind that we had replaced all of those things. I started to trace out the fuel line and when I reached the gas tank I found a kink in the line that only let a nominal amount of fuel get to the pump, but when there was a demand from the pump still only a metered amount would get thru.
That was the day that another verse of Holy Writ became my own personal promise. Let me paraphrase.
John 14:26. But the Helper Himself, the Precious Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My Name, He will teach you ALL things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I Taught you! said to you.
How many times HE has brought to my remembrance things HE has taught me in the mechanics of construction, using the same words again, ministering not in the traditional way and too many more to mention.
Next week our trip to