Saturday, November 10, 2007


Loved of The LORD,
We are still in the process of (Learning) Building our Blog Site, i.e. Won Preacher's Thoughts
So "Just to be honest" we need to experiment, in order to get it up to speed. As slow as it has been, we are excited that we are starting to move and as soon as I complete some of these learning curves, getting them under my belt, I will concentrate on the purpose of the Blog. In the Mean Time, if you have any Questions about this building process, let me know and I will be blessed to share what I know. I have not been able to Hot Link the "BookWise" side panel yet, (Edited 071112 "We have it working now! Try It Out!) Nevertheless the Title of this post and name above, will take you there. Now that that is done, Let me just say that we have been able to minister without raising support in "The General Way" and our hand in Business (Like "BookWise") and our Regular Income has sufficed thus far. As The Apostle Paul encouraged the Philippians by commending those who had a part in his ministry, (Philip. 4:17
Not that I seek the gift, but I seek the fruit that abounds to your account.) *Come Turn A Page!* & have a part in ours. Thank you for your indulgence in this short recess from the main direction and I will now get back to Business Now! 1 ©2007