Monday, June 30, 2008

'New Found Treasure' - LAIR OF THE PENMAN

Last week I found myself visiting the ‘Writing Den’ of an acquaintance that I met at the gym. First impressions are oft times deceiving, yet there was an unmistakable draw to know more about him.

Thru an exchange of WebBiz cards I ventured an investment of that un-replaceable commodity of time.

What I found was a hideaway of treasure needing exposed. Although a published author his presence on the web, looked like it may not have enjoyed being the well-traveled path. i.e. lacking ‘Comments’, which may be only my perspective.

I found these musings filled with an elegance of his prolific prose and poetry.

His thoughts on The Trek to finding that caring partner speak with experiential authority. I was reminded that I too, found that, that destiny was a gift to bask in.

The unfortunate not enduring the test of time, swallowed up in the hall of statistics. To appreciate the favor of The One who truly loves us, embedded in William Robbins’ writings.

How reassuring it is, to know after the trial of our faith that HE who is Faithful, ever present, even when we have not.

Having only a few of those precious moments, I highly recommend that you, Loved Of The Lord, invest a gander. You may find a thorough perusing warranted.


Back with more thoughts soon. Be Blessed, 1 aka DP

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Thoughts! “Other Belief Systems For Business!"

Out Of The Gate, and to preface all that follows, allow me to acknowledge that I do not want you to think the same things and ways, as I do. This pertains to … those who have a personal relationship with The Lord Jesus, Son of The Living God and those who do not.

Do not be offended should you find yourself lumped into the same box, as all the rest, as that is not my intention. There is a need to make this distinction for clarity and brevity and there will more than likely, be more in the first group that will be offended than the second. The Apostle Paul commends the Berians to being noble, they did not just accept what he had said, yet followed up by verifying what he said, with what was in The Word of God. (Acts 17:11) That is the least I can do is to exhort you to do the same.

Now why do I, not want you to think like I do?

  1. I am absolutely assured, that All Mighty God made each one of us uniquely different. Even more than finger prints. Probably closer to DNA and I will not go down that path, (As tempting as it is.) again for the sake of brevity.
  2. That uniqueness is also the criteria for that relationship that HE has with us, whether in the first group or the second. In other words, should this not be true, then one of us would be a clone and a belief like that would rob one of knowing HIM Personally.

Paul even tells those who are of Group Two on Mars Hill (Areopagus) that they were ignorantly worshiping God and Paul was also, well versed in their poets and Philosophers. (Acts 17:18-33)

He tells the Romans that GOD has given every one, (Man Woman and Child.) the same ‘Measure of Faith’. (Rom. 12:3) Group one builds on it to that ‘Unique Personal Relationship’ with HIM and Group two builds on it, according to The Filters of customs, culture, traditions and influence of family, teachers, friends, co-workers and neighbors. Sometimes they build on nothing more than self-Choice. The emphasis here is on that ‘Measure of Faith’ being as universal, as Gravity, just another one of God’s Laws.

Now should I have not offended group two, allow me to at least give group one, a chance ‘To Be or Not to Be’. You will have to go back to the beginning of this Blog to pick up on some of my direction here. I will try to link you to those Posts and use some of the same tags for you to find what I will reference to.

I believe and walk in the assurance that God has made us co-participators and even co-creators in the path each one of us chooses to walk. To not be, would make us ‘Fatalists’. Allow me to give you one example and then move on to the main topic from this preface. Two different people will see the glass half full or half empty. OK … one more. One person always chooses to get out on the wrong side of the bed every morning and another will wake up with the ‘Attitude of Gratitude’ and always has a prosperous day, even if ‘Hell Brakes Lose’ and 'The Bottom Drops Out'!

Now here comes the Nay Sayers with, “Then how come you are not wealthy &/or perfectly healthy?” And am I glad that they did ask, as it gives me something to continue with. … … …

Yes, continue with next time! Be Blessed, 1 aka DP

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Found a great Post! Tim Draayer

As I was around the net today, I came across a great perspective that caused me to reply. Here is the link:
And here is my comment:

Hi Tim,

Great Post! Can tell these are gut deep observations!

May I post a couple thoughts that come to mind as I read this encouraging post?

Funny, not Ha Ha, Because we are stuck in what I will just call, "My Story"! This is really our Sub-Conscience that takes us down that sameO path every day. Then we wonder what keeps us in slavery, down on the Plantation of ‘Same Way Thinking’ and never get ahead!

We can spend a lot of time on how “My Story” came about, but just let me say that it developed thru ‘Filters’ of our culture, customs, parents, family, friends, co-workers and neighbors. And those Filters caused our sub conscience to protect us from being uncomfortable and that by the way it caused us to think!

When we learn something ‘New’, like D, we want to share it with those we love and even close friends. The problem is that regardless of how Great one would think that, that ‘New’ was, it most often creates that un-comfortability with in us and our thoughts run us away from any betterment of any kind

It usually takes a traumatic experience to force us into change, to begin with the way we think. It does take discipline to change that new way of thinking into actions that over time become normality and/or habits.

Now as such, I whole heartily concur with you on:

D failed to understand that even with the best of intentions, you cannot control or pressure someone down a path they are not comfortable walking.

YEP! Stop and smell the daisies! There is no Way we can influence anyone, especially a spouse, family or friends, unless we have first, allowed them to be a co-creator of the thought or concept themselves or have laid out a track record ourselves that they have come to respect.

Not being aware of how ‘My Story’ will … yes “’control’ ourselves right off the path.” Moreover, take us away from our dreams and back in that same ol’ rut!

What a blessing to have a dear friend back in the fold. I rejoice with you my friend!

Continue to be an encourager Tim! DP aka 1

Be sure to check out Tim's Blog, he is a prolific Blogger!
Back to "THOUGHTS" soon! 1 aka DP

Monday, June 9, 2008

Thoughts! “Other Belief Systems For Ministry Attention.”

Loved Of The LORD,

I was just sitting here after a hard day, (about one hour long) at Internet marketing and was thinking about ministry years gone by. Those who knew/know me, that the Zeal for a long time was seldom delivered with finesse. However, I do remember the many times that The Precious Holy Spirit saved my bacon and no doubt, there was sowing, planting and reaping.

As I have said here before that those who were saved directly by my Preaching/Teaching one could count on one hand. Well maybe we are starting on the other hand, by now; though some will take that as bragging. Evangelist … not per se, yet giving it all that was within me, every chance I got.

I said all of that to say this. Many souls that were in the cults, occult and other faiths/belief systems, even those who professed having none at all, yet even that is one, never gave me a second chance as I was hard shell about my position that JESUS plus NOTHING Else is the only way to The FATHER.

What I am finding out, more each day, that if I just listen to these people and ask them questions, there eventually comes an opportunity to introduce them to my GOD & HIS Anointed SON. Should I never see any results from my endeavors, the blessing I have more knowledge about their belief and all I have invested is some of my time.

I have some more thoughts in this vein and will publish them soon. Feel free and blessed by leaving a comment. Be Blessed, 1aka DP, as I am about my FATHER’s Business!