Monday, May 26, 2008

God Bless Our Troops And The USA!

On this special day, we Americans offer up our sincere recognition and admiration to the remembrance, of all our Veterans who have passed on, as well as of those disabled and still living today. We applaud their contributions and dedication to preserve our freedom and way of life.

Join with us on this Veterans Day, as we take time to thank the Veterans who have bravely served these many years and have given the ultimate sacrifice to defend this great nation of ours.

Be blessed today that those who govern us have set aside this day for us to honor and show our gratitude to those who protect and serve.

We pray God’s Best for the men and women actively serving in our military today and all thru the year. Our armed services make us, as Americans proud with what they have been called to do.

Take a moment to reflect and offer up Thanksgiving! 1 aka DP