To pick up from my last “Thoughts”:
We all have been conditioned by our customs, culture and rearing to believe what we believe!
For over 25 years I have exhorted all that have been placed in my path; Not To Believe What I Believe! I explained to them then and I am explaining to you now that I would pray for them, To Believe What The Word Of God Teaches Them, thru the Precious Holy Spirit, “In Jesus’ Name!” John 15:26;
And now to continue:
Let me only submit this for your consideration! In Red
Now what is Awesome, I started this … ‘Thought’ several days ago and just now, in order to have something to back up my premise, by ‘Googling’ I came across this article in yesterday’s TIME. Here is an excerpt from TIME Correspondent Robert Neville’s report:
After about five months of hsueh hsi, a group is called to a "thought mobilization" meeting at which all are urged, one after another, to get up and "cast aside, once & for all, their burdensome thoughts." There are warnings that those who still hold reactionary thoughts or have not yet confessed reactionary deeds will sooner or later regret it. What follows is a kind of political revivalist meeting, or a Buchmanite confessional, at which students cry their ideological sins and profess to see the light of reform.
Read the whole article to have a little more understanding of where I am coming from.
WHALLA! The light goes on! Just writing about my thoughts and I find myself here! Please note that I will tiptoe here because of not wanting to turn you completely off.
I have said over & over again, that each one of us has been uniquely made for HIS Pleasure! Check this out to see if it is not some thing you recognize. Regardless of how much you love somebody, whether it is spouse, parent, child, sibling, friend or even mentor and especially pastor somewhere, some place, somehow you will find something that you disagree with him or her. Now to discuss it with them or not … is another issue. (Which I will address later.) Some of it will be because of that uniqueness and some of it by, our customs, culture and rearing. This subtle mind shaping is good in many ways, as we learn our mannerisms manners and behaviors.
Now, let us address an extreme of this way of thinking.
Starting with a toddler dressed in a belt or vest of mock explosives with family and friends encouraging them with remarks how great they look, and how proud they make everyone feel! This continues through their rearing and education with the ultimate goal is to be a martyr that has eliminated what they are taught to call lowly pigs and monkeys who are in fact other human beings. Joy almost ecstasy dying themselves with No regard for the fact that even others of their own people also die to give their god pleasure and an unrealistic reward for doing so.
On March 24th 2004, fifteen-year young Hussam Abdu was caught at an Israeli border check point with live explosives strapped around his waist. Physically a dwarf, marginalized by his classmates and considered mentally handicapped by his family, it took only forty-eight hours and twenty American dollars to convince Hussam to violently kill himself as a suicide bomber. The Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, the Palestinian terrorist group that recruited him, did so using two of Hussam's elementary school classmates, each of which they paid one hundred dollars for the job. In an ironic twist of fate, he who had been considered slow and socially inept turned out to be the smartest kid on the block. For at the very last minute, out of fear of death and love for his family, Hussam voluntarily gave himself up to the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) and was subsequently arrested. Charged and convicted with attempted murder, Hussam is now serving out an eight-year sentence in the Ha-Sharon Prison,
This has been going on for over twenty years and accepted as the only way of life. Stop and think that everybody under 40 years of age is a part of this mind set in one way or another. Like the world not being flat, you may take this or leave it!
This keeps on getting longer and longer and I need to post on ‘The Book’, so I will break now before going on with the subtleties of the ‘Brain Washing in and of The Institutional/Traditional Church’
Be Blessed, 1 ©2008