Tuesday, May 15, 2007

To Get Things Going!

In answer to E-Mail request on: “Hearing GOD for direction.” Please make query to any terms that you are not familiar with. I will let this develop accordingly.

070109 A lot on my plate, yet I want to give you my 'Honest Opinion' and I do not want to alert 'The Blab It & Grab It ' Police, IYKWIM?

1st let me re-establish my position. We (@ least U & me) have been put here, (Where ever that may be @ the Time) to find out how much GOD Loves us, ... to 'Know' (Somewhat) what 'Price Was Paid' and to 'Also Know' that U & I are debtors and that the accruing interest thru the past has been paid, by our obedience to HIS Direction, i.e. accepting what HE has done all (At The Cross) that all has been paid., Now as HE Publishes (Thru Us) that Truth to every other human being on the face of the earth, as HE directs. (BTW! Not as others expect &/or demand us to do!)
That being said!
The more I study, the more I am learning that we have more to do with (The OnGoing) Creation in 'The Here & Now' that meets the Proverbial Eye! You especially 'Know' that I have been teaching for many moons that we hear @ least 5 voices. GOD, if we have our ears on, the devil for sure & need to recognize that one, our Peers, (Family, Friends & Associates), The World and all of its offers &/or Traps, and the "Subtle One", which is 'Self' Itself"!!!
"Sub Divide", as U desire. ... ... ... Now I have a "Whole Lot More" to say about our part of creation here & now, yet will leave it for another curiosity. One thing I do Know, (@ least @ this time) is that I need to Hear HIS Voice above all ... ... ... and that HE Confirms my Direction (with 2 or more { I have so many daily that I can bet w/out gambling!}) and that as long as I am seeking (HIS) Direction that I can & will count on " Philippian Stop Sign " (Philip. 3:15; ) should I venture off ... ... ... this exciting path!
A N D ! Amos 3:7
Surely the Lord GOD does nothing,
Unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets.
N O W ! Yes there are many voices, thoughts, ideas that go thru our minds, AND like birds ... that we can do nothing about ... flying over our heads, Yet 'We Can Choose' which ones we will allow to build nests in our hair! IYKWIM?
Believing that this will help ... I am '1' ... ... ... ORU12?

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