Sunday, April 27, 2008

GRATITUDE! Tell them Thank You!

Loved Of The LORD,
I am so thankful for the men & women who Serve our Country!
I try to shake every hand, as I come face to face with them. Maybe not convenient or in the right situation, at least give them The Sign!

Tell Scott Truitt Thanks for putting it together:

Scott writes below:

The Gratitude Campaign

The Story of How it all got started

For the past several years as I've been traveling around the country, I've been approaching soldiers in the airports and thanking them for serving for us. On several occasions I have noticed that it felt a little awkward for both of us. There are several reasons, some of which I am even just now learning as I produce this film and talk to more soldiers. But they have always appreciated being thanked, and I have always felt better having expressed my gratitude.

I started to think that it would be nice if civilians had a gesture or sign that they could use to say "thank you" quickly and easily without even having to approach. I did some research and found the sign that we are now using.

Is this limited to the military? Not at all. If you look around you I'm sure that you'll find lots of people who are serving their communities, from local to global. If you appreciate their service, give them a sign. Say "thank you."

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

'Pagan Christianity' AGAIN!

Yesterday was a moving video and I recomend all to see it! (More Than Once!)
N O W ! Since I did a book review on 'Pagan Christianity', You need to see this! It is a hoot!

Now how was that? Be BLESSED!, 1 aka DP

Monday, April 21, 2008

'LAMININ' - Louie Giglio

I have (At Least to Try) to put the video on here.

I Know you will be Blessed, 1 aka DP

'LAMININ' - Louie Giglio GOD Tube

Sunday, April 20, 2008

‘Consistency’ in Awareness!

More Thoughts

Loved of The LORD, to continue in this direction of conscious awareness, I was pleasantly surprised that writing enhanced and strengthened it. Let me explain.

I have this ‘little thing’ that bugs me. My neighbor has gofers and does not consistently eradicate them. The neighborhood is inundated with them, so it is an ongoing challenge. When one invades my premises, as soon as I am ‘aware’ I proceed to drown them out and/or gas bomb them. That way they do not get to establish their tunnel systems.

BTW! I have cursed them in JESUS’ Name and my neighbor 2 doors north has told me not to curse them in his direction! He has wound up with some in his yard, every time I have done it, whether it was the same one(s) or not.

Well, back to the chase! After writing ‘The Awareness’ I was heading out for another skirmish and I was making it a ‘Joint Venture’ and we, (HIM and I) were agreed how we were going to approach the endeavor. It was a GREAT two hours as we destroyed the tunnels back into the neighbor’s yard. We finished off the task with a gas bomb in the other yard.

Soon after, I found myself in the car on the way to the gym and very ‘aware’ that I was not alone. I found myself driving like it was my first time, so ‘aware’ of every thought and action, while on our way. During these times we were relating to how instrumental that writing ‘The Awareness’ was like a catalyst for this ongoing conversation.

Funny (Not Ha Ha) that I started yesterday morning out with Watching a video that our friend down under sent a link to us ... Louie Giglio . On GODTube.. ... YET not half way thru it and Conference Calls (for Business) started … and I went full bore from then on, except for another 2 hour "Gofer Battle" Break!

Later that day, as I replied to an e-mail with the 'When God Paints' link, I then went back and watched Louie all over again from the beginning! Good Stuff! Just what I needed to go along with 'The Awareness'!

I do have to admit that those last 3 hours were a solo run. I have been trying since last Sunday to figure out AdSense and get it on the rest of my Blogs and had a ‘near miss’ awareness. My 'Near Miss' was I finally got it on and back up into Awareness and that was where I watched ‘When God Paints' etc.

This might or might not seem like a bunch of babble to you, yet I am excited about ‘How Good my GOD Is’ in answering my need. Should this speak to you, I would appreciate your comments below.

Until next time, Be Blessed, 1 aka DP is my name and ‘Writing is my game’!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

When God paints.... 'Awareness'

When God paints.... Is the break I needed after going solo for a couple hours today. In other words; the pleasures of accomplishment seem to shift that conscious 'Awareness' somewhat to the side and now paying attention to the 'Near Misses' when they are seen is that cue to check back and in. I now you will enjoy this as much as I did/do!
Click Here {
I could not get it to embed. :-( }
Even this small amount of time to write about the video brings me to where I want to be.
Have a wonderful day! 1 aka DP

Friday, April 18, 2008

‘The Awareness’

More Thoughts
Loved of The LORD, continuing on from a previous post where I wrote, “yet exercises, as writing this Post helps me along the way” and immediately after finishing it , I found myself very aware of “Being In HIS Presence”! With other things still on my plate, the phone rings and I am having a mentoring conversation, and wisdom flowing as if it was coming through another vessel.

Soon after hanging up, and as I was reflecting in amazement on that call, the phone rings again and it is a long time friend, who sounds frustrated, and wants to go to breakfast in the next week on his day off. While on the phone setting up the appointment, still aware of “Being In HIS Presence” I was also aware that it was going to be an interesting breakfast. It turned out to be a stretching (and growing) time for him personally and even in the relationship, I have with him.

This morning after seeing that I have not posted for a while and reflecting on how fast moving and complicated things have been, I needed to stop Everything and write myself back into HIS Presence again. Funny how these things happen!

Now what is so significant about this? It was not the need ‘Of Being In His Presence’, because in retrospect, I am always in His Presence, (You and I have known this, almost from the beginning.) it was and is The continual “Awareness” of being there! Now I know I said that, yet this is where I will hone in on that being the status quo.

Just as driving a car after a time, goes from being the priority of every thought and action to being a second nature, as multitasking enters the scene. e.g. Wow, I am smoothly going down this street, I will slowly and carefully reach over and turn on the radio; Soon turns into driving while reading the newspaper or putting on makeup. (I will skip over talking on a cell phone!)

Now this goes on till we see or get into a wreak, or even a ‘Near Miss’ where we start paying attention again to what is going on. … … … For a spell.

This is “How Good My GOD Is”! When the multitasking gets to be the priority of our Mundane and Spiritual thoughts and actions, I become … … … ‘sloppy’ in my practicing ‘The Awareness’, just like driving the car, I cause something to happen that gets me straighten out.

Whether this means anything to anyone, but me, I still want to write it (here) because it is working! ‘The Happening’ this time was ‘The Near Miss’ of posting this Blog regularly. AND, as always HE is meeting my need, i.e. Right this moment I am so ‘Aware’ of Being In HIS Presence! And it is sweet!

Be Blessed, 1 aka DP ©2008

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Have You Twenty-six Minutes For Jesus?

The Heart of the Matter

A moving compilation of messages that speak to the heart of the matter.

Loved of The Lord,
Even after writing what I did in the previous post and needing to address my morning disciplines, and then look to the mundane activities for today.
I have to confess that I wrestled with, "was I going to take The 26 minutes to watch this?"
I am glad I did! Thanks Keith!

NOW! Are Not You Glad You Did Too?
Click Here to go to GodTube site.
Click Here To go to RU4One

Thursday, April 3, 2008

“My Need To Be In HIS Presence More Of The Time!”

More Thoughts!

Loved of the LORD, I have been giving thought to what are some of the more Important things that should be evident on my plate. Not just to have something to write here in this Blog, yet for my attention on a regular basis.

As believers we all want to sanctify the Lord God in our hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks us a reason for the hope that is in us, with meekness and fear; ( 1 Peter 3:15) As well as, to Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching. (2 Tim. 4:2) every chance we get.

Nevertheless, while I am all involved with what is going on in front of me, especially to go through a door when it opens, regardless of being spiritual or mundane, I want to be ‘aware’ of being in HIS Presence.

Allow me to address the mundane from my perspective, having no doubt others will differ. Call me an opportunist you may, yet I have not received a morsel of nourishment from a raven, while in my need. (1 Kings 17:6;) Not that I have any doubt, that that may still be the case. So I believe I still need to be scratching while I am able, (Matthew 6:26;) unless directed otherwise.

As far as the spiritual aspects, most of you have a good understanding of those kinds of things, though if you do not; leave a comment below desiring to know the same.

I am not able to think of anything that may be on one’s plate that is not either Spiritual or Mundane, so allow me to move on. Nevertheless, feel free to jump in with comments at any time. Contributions are really appreciated!

SO! Back to the plate and taking care of those thing! Unless you are a hermit, we are always with people somewhere around us. How many times have you been right in the middle of something and you are presented with someone with a need? Several examples come to mind.

So many times, I am busy, as I am right now and my wife or another member of the family wants me to do something or give them something. How about the panhandler on the off ramp of the freeway with that proverbial sign, ‘Will Work For Food’? What about on the job?

I do not know about you, yet I seem to respond (or at times, not respond,) with past experiences and (What I think,) what other people would think that I should do and apply what will take care of the situation at hand. Getting on with dealing with the plate in front of me is primarily the cause my action (Or lack of action), hardly ever seeking what God would prefer me to do in each situation.

Now not that I have attained, (Philip. 3:12;) yet I have tasted the blessing of being aware of being in HIS Presence and doing what ‘I Know’ HE is preferring, regardless of what anyone else would think that "I Should Do” and letting the chips fall were they may.

Now, cutting to the chase; my need is, “To Be There More Of The Time”, hoping for the completion that I will have at HIS coming. I am gaining though it is not as fast as I would like it to be, yet exercises, as writing this Post helps me along the way.

My prayer is that this has been a help to others … … … and to afford others the opportunity to suggest how I may excel even more, by commenting below!

Be Blessed my brethren! I shall return, DP aka 1

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


There will be other posts here that might be more your fancy tho I could not pass up a good place to 'Place' A Thought!

There have been many explanations why April 1st is called "April Fool's Day", so allow me to speculate an 'Idea', 'Concept', 'Image', 'Impression', &/or 'Intellection' that I have had for many a moon now!

Passover is in the Spring tho the day changes because of the Jewish Calendar based on The Lunar Month. In fact it is not very often that What is Generally called 'Easter' Which is a mistranslation has come this early and separated so far from 'Passover'.

Nevertheless, Resurrection Day is tied to Passover and we, as believers, readily accept that Jesus is our "Passover Lamb"!

Most 'Ordinary Potatoes' (Common tators) agree that Jesus was not born in The Winter. numerous experts believe HE was born in the Autumn, for various reasons.

Now for a moment stop and think about a passover lamb and knowing it was a year old when it was sacrificed and that it was born in the Spring when the sheep lambed, ... ... ...

Well let me 'Cut To The Chase' ... ... ...

Would not a lot of people be "FOOLED" should we find out that Jesus was born in the Spring and that year, ... That HE Was, ... Was Born on April First?

Just a Thought! (For April Fool's Day'!)

... But What Do I Know?

There! I feel better! I have made my contribution to The Atheist's Most Holy Holiday!

Be Blessed, 1