Chapter Two --The Maze: Loved Of The LORD! In the late 70s thru the 80s & into the 90s “Men’s Prayer time @ our home on Tuesday evenings. Another chapter: in itself. I believe it was in 79, One of the brothers had a vision about me being in this maze over & over again and before I would find my way out with that victory, I would just pop out of the maze every time before finishing it. When I asked him what it meant, he responded that he did not know.
Knowing that it had to do with “The Evil Sin Of Unbelief” and even preaching about it at different times, I did not see the fullness of it until June or July of 2006. I knew at that time, that I would grab a hold of GOD’s Promises and walk in that belief for a short season, yet still knowing that it was my mouth that would throw the promise, away. When things did not seem like it was going in the right direction I would get bombed out & say out loud with my mouth, “Well I Guess That Is Not Going To Happen!” which was proof that I did not really believe whatever that promise was, was for me.
In Other Words , I did not know the importance of, 1st of all, continually thinking about it as having ‘Come 2 Pass’ (future) 2nd and just as important the necessity of walking in that Truth with my mouth day in & day out.
Now do not get me wrong. I do not mean lie about what was happening at the time, YET keeping my eyes & heart on the vision and always speaking of it, as what is. (i.e. in the present tense!)
Then probably the most important was the necessity of being emotionally positive about it, especially should there be something negative trying to come against it, which was and is always the case.
No Doubt there will be some of you, who will question the source of what I am walking in, yet it is all scriptural, comment for the References should you desire.
Now I am not going to try to get you (Who read this) to see &/ or believe what I have come to be believing, Yet I will encourage you to check out The Scriptures for yourself and walk in what The HOLY SPIRIT reveals to you. (Acts 17:11) More on this next week. BTW! Yesterday The Lovely Marilyn (The Wife Of My Youth) and I boarded “The Monarch Of The Sea for four days of Cruising (And Eating!) the left coast of SoCal &