I passed by a Blog this morning, belonging to who is now a good friend of ours and had to stop and make a comment and to encourage her to continue to write more. What I will do here is to copy a piece of it here and then follow up with my comments to her post. Some of you will be informed and some may take difference. Either way tell us what you think!
From: Tsaneen
living together in harmonyThursday, February 21, 2008
Paul's "traditions" and church liturgy - Are they the same?
How is it when you begin looking into a subject your search takes you down many rabbit trails. I was reading II Thessalonians Chapter 2 when I came across verse 15
“Stand firm, and hold to the traditions which you were taught,
whether by word of mouth, or by letter from us.” (NASV)
The question arose “What are the traditions Paul is referring to here?”
This question occurred around about six weeks prior to a conversation with a friend who announced that he and his wife had become proponents of the liturgical practice of the Anglican Church. I was stunned by this news as previously they had been staunch participants in a close knit home church with no ritual or connection with the institutional church.
So my line of enquiry was broadened to cover more in depth searching of early church history. This process is taking some time – I’m not a fast reader. ... ... ... (Katch)
I see this has been posted for a while and wanting to encourage you to continue in penning your thoughts, I will add this belated comment.
>>>“What are the traditions Paul is referring to here?” <<<>
Rabbit Trails can be misleading. As I perused your post, and that as there is no way to research ‘Word Of Mouth’ that your observations from the well marked paths, i.e. In The Word appear to be valid.
No doubt, you were stunned by the extreme change in your friends approach to Worship. What is exciting to me is that The Living God has a unique relationship with each individual believer that is continually developing. Let me give you another example of this bizarre change seemingly going in what appears to be bondage to those of us that think we have been set free.
Two or three decades ago, fellowshipping in a Traditional Charismatic Assembly, a couple who we became friends with over the years, were having a rough time with marital communications. I, along with several others in leadership endeavored to help them along to no avail. After several years they had stopped fellowshipping with us and the next time we came across them they had found a Seventh Day Assembly and both of them were rejoicing in how it had really put their marriage together. Most of us in the TCA were incredulous, as the SDAs are very legalistic. Yet here was where God was meeting them in their need.
AnyHOO, pick your pen back up and make your God Ordain Contributions, so the rest of us may continue to benefit! But what do I know? 1 www.wonpreacher.com