Monday, November 8, 2010

Elections In Califorina!

Loved of The Lord,

As you can tell I have been neglecting these thoughts.

Now that The Elections are over I will endeavor to catch up on a few things and leave a short note here.

Reminiscing, my earthly dad warned me about discussions in & about Religion and Politics. Seemingly a non-conformist, I found my self heavily involved in the first now for over 32 years and in the second for about a year, tho it was about a five year transition to know that I was being obedient.

By Scrolling Backward thru these posts you will see some of that grooming.

One of the first things was becoming aware of how much fraud & corruption is controlling the process and having a vision that I may be a part of setting things straight, at least on a local level.

It has taken a couple centuries to get here and one thing is sure, is that it will not be rectified in a couple years, if ever completely. Nevertheless, while I Know that I have been called here for a season and not real sure how long this season will be, I am Committed to learn, as fast, as I can and be responsible for my part of this direction.

What IS 'Mind Boggling' is how the established 'Two Headed' "One Party System" has been Robbing, Raping, Murdering, Enslaving and Obliverating The Middle Class Working Citizens, into 'Serfdom'! Especially the last 97 years! That is another sermon I have preached several times before.

Called from the beginning to Preach & Teach, (With Documentation) this season is not really any different than any I have found myself a part of before.

So, ... ... ... there are a couple ways to encourage me, one being the asking of questions and the other, (Probably More so.) is to refute what I am revealing. Tho in the past, those who contest the veracity, NEVER, Document any of their controverting statements.

So I ask for prayer, that I remain biddable to HIM who Loves us all.

as I am about my FATHER's Business!