Monday, June 9, 2008

Thoughts! “Other Belief Systems For Ministry Attention.”

Loved Of The LORD,

I was just sitting here after a hard day, (about one hour long) at Internet marketing and was thinking about ministry years gone by. Those who knew/know me, that the Zeal for a long time was seldom delivered with finesse. However, I do remember the many times that The Precious Holy Spirit saved my bacon and no doubt, there was sowing, planting and reaping.

As I have said here before that those who were saved directly by my Preaching/Teaching one could count on one hand. Well maybe we are starting on the other hand, by now; though some will take that as bragging. Evangelist … not per se, yet giving it all that was within me, every chance I got.

I said all of that to say this. Many souls that were in the cults, occult and other faiths/belief systems, even those who professed having none at all, yet even that is one, never gave me a second chance as I was hard shell about my position that JESUS plus NOTHING Else is the only way to The FATHER.

What I am finding out, more each day, that if I just listen to these people and ask them questions, there eventually comes an opportunity to introduce them to my GOD & HIS Anointed SON. Should I never see any results from my endeavors, the blessing I have more knowledge about their belief and all I have invested is some of my time.

I have some more thoughts in this vein and will publish them soon. Feel free and blessed by leaving a comment. Be Blessed, 1aka DP, as I am about my FATHER’s Business!


Anonymous said...

Just wanted to thank you for taking the time to read and comment on my blog. May the Lord continue to add blessings to all that you do.

William Robbins said...

This carried a nice dash of self reflection coupled with the essence of difficulty in dealing with other teachings. A communion of minds is so hard without first having mutual respect. A truth sometimes our lips out of pride do seem to forget.

Dialogue from hospitality can open the way for the language of God's love, the universal theme focused in His son, that can transcend the self that is massage by so many alternate belief system.

And the core of thought of Jesus plus nothing rings with the simple bell of truth. By faith alone do the path the God open. Yet, faith does sometimes get lost in expressions of doing this is faith. A sliver of legalism wedge between the spirit and the Lord. Many continues wishes for you following as the Lord wills.