Monday, December 31, 2007

Getting Out of Dodge! I mean Moscow!

Loved of The LORD, Happy New Year! I will preface this next section with looking back that I was walking in The Faith that I knew about for 17 years and in turn had taught it to others for many of those years as grew in it myself. It seemed like I was in a dream and having my own working capital and Several Thousand for the Saws on me I was very uncomfortable. I was always coming to that place of deciding to Trust HIM again! And Again! AND AGAIN!

If there was ever one … This Is ... “The Secret!”

I am glad that I am writing all this down now, as trying to remember what happened, names and places are not jumping out at me yet! Thank you Becky for encouraging me to do this. Yes and Jamie too, for so many of the particulars!

After we got all my gear up the 3 flights of stairs, Ulia introduced me to her parents and I walked in & over to them to shake hands. I am not sure how I became aware that I was doing something wrong, nevertheless, all three seemed to be looking at my brand new Sorel Snow Boots and then I noticed that they were not wearing any shoes of any kind. I looked back at the entry passage & saw all their shoes there. Thus, my first lesson in Russian Culture. It is easier to stay up with “Outside Dirt” kept in that one spot!

I need to place a side note here about my Sorel Snow Boots. Knowing that I was to be in weather that I was not used to, I researched the weather in the north and knew if I kept my feet warm & dry, that I would be able to make it. Where was Google when I needed it. Well I used what was a search engine back then as Google did not come on the scene for about four years later. I found several weather boot manufacturers and read the specs and knew I wanted a pair of Sorel Caribous and was really proud that I had found them. Yes, my brothers & sisters, I was thanking GOD to have found them and the peace that these were the ones! I remember several Belarusian women laughing at me because I held comfort, i.e. keeping warm & dry, ahead of being fashionable.

Ulia's, Parents were Jewish, tho I did not find out if they were practicing or not. Ulia became what was called a ‘Completed Jew’ and was going with an American who headed up a fellowship made up of mostly Jewish people who knew Yeshuah, as their Savior. The Saws were hooked up with him and of course the scenario to send Ulia back to Moscow and help me get to Minsk developed from there. More about him later.

A hot meal of borch, which is a kind of Russian soup with water, meat, potatoes, cabbage, carrot, tomatoes and beetroot, was served with sour cream. The Saws had fixed a dinner before they left, so it was the second time I ate it. With 3 foot of snow outside and the end of February, it hit the spot!

Ulia’s Father & I conversed with hand signs and grunts and by the time Ulia and I left for Minsk, he had me counting to five in Russian. Ulia explained that she was sleeping in her parent’s bed with her mom and her dad would sleep on the couch. Her room (The 2nd room of the 2 room flat.) had a single bed and on top of the closet was stacks to the ceiling wrapped with cloth to keep their identity unknown. It was plain what was off limits for me and I soon was nestled in.

The next morning was Sunday and after a hot cereal of some kind of grain and my counting lessons, Ulia and I headed to one of the 3 local assemblies of the “Non-Denominational” Denomination that I mentioned that we were a part of years before.

See: Sunday, October 14, 2007 Where Do I Fit In The Body Of Christ? VI

Even in 1994 there were already three of them in Moscow! The Pastor was an American and he taught in English with a Russian Interpreter. I was welcomed with open arms and know I could have functioned there if there were not all ready plans in motion to keep me busy for what wound up to be 4 months away from home.

A side Note: The Pastor was going with a national and they were planning on getting married later on that year. A couple months later, I found out that the… Let me just all him “The Overseer” of the Eastern European Assemblies of the Local churches of that “Non-Denominational” Denomination told the Pastor that he could not marry this woman, because of the complications that it would cause.

Nevertheless, they got married and the Pastor was removed from that Church by the N-D Denom. When they tried to place another Pastor in that spot, the congregation refused, because they wanted their original Pastor and the Church was pulled from the rolls. Several years later, being privy to the N-D’s Pastor’s Conference from friends who were still involved, I found out that the original Pastor had been restored into their ranks and was even addressing the conference about what was happening in Russia.

After Church we all headed to a restaurant and fellowshipped a couple hours. Ulia took me around to some of the sites and we made a quick pass of “Red Square” and headed back to visit with her parents.

After dinner, I excused myself and read Scripture for a while. I started to read 3 Chapters every day and 5 chapters on Sunday in the late 70’s that put me thru the Bible in a year. I doubled up 2 or 3 years so it would tally up to thru it once for every year of commitment. As I write this now I am in the last few chapters of Revelation, now for the 30th time. Every time it has open up even more to my understanding and enhanced my relationship with HIM.

The night before I spotted a chart on the door that had the Russian alphabet with Hebrew comparison and started giving it my attention. I had taken 1 year Hebrew several years ago, yet never took it any further. What happen was for those few evenings I had the groundwork of learning the Russian sounds, tho some had to come from Hades, as I never learned to pronounce them really right. Nevertheless, things looked like they were dropping into place.

The next morning, Monday we left after breakfast and my Russian lessons … well numbers anyhow and headed back up town to purchased our train tickets to Minsk. After several inquires, Ulia found out that the train ticket for me was going to cost about $150+ USD being a foreigner and after talking it over for awhile we decided to take a step of Faith and buy two national tickets for around $8 USD each and believe that we would not be checked crossing the border into Belarus.

As that took several hours standing in lines, (i.e. Ulia did) she showed me some other sites on the way back to her folk’s place. We also shopped for our meals for the 12 hours trip to Minsk.

Tuesday morning up early … Hot gruel … what ever it was, thanking her folks for the accommodations, saying our goodbyes, (They hated to see Ulia leave as she had only been there for 4 days.) we made our way to the train station.

I was not aware of the train situation & was surprised that the 2nd class compartments had 4 bunks in them. My next surprise was when two young Belarusian ladies were our compartment mates. My 1st thought was, What would my wife think? Just a short round of Q &A’s we settled in for our half a day trip. We bought hot chai (Tea) from the porter to go with our meal now enhanced with the other girl’s contributions and settled into conversation with Ulia translating as fast as she could.

Twelve Hours later … MINSK The Capitol of the Republic Of Belarus! And The Cowboy Missionary in Action!


Sunday, December 23, 2007

Cartoons And Comedians In The Church

071221 I have just visited Jon Birch’s “The Ongoing Adventures Of ASBO Jesus!” and I recommend you taking a look! Jon’s Cartoons made me think and remember and I have to insert this thought in the middle of my story, because it is another look at who HE made me.

Almost thirty years ago, the Zeal was prominent with out much finesse. As soon as I learned anything about the word … It Was Published! I would embarrass my wife, … what the Hey! I still do at times! During those years we were serving in the Local Assembly I would have enjoyed having a turn up front, yet because I took what I learned literally and seriously, it was considered borderline “Faith Movement” (See: Where Do I Fit In The Body Of Christ? VI ) … If not “Blab It And Grab It!” and was never allowed to be up front with out a muzzle on. Nevertheless, anyone with a Guitar around their neck and who could carry a tune … at least in a bucket … was given free reign to spew anything that came to their mind. Some were babies not, but a few months old and their thoughts were barely Scriptural if in fact at all. And don’t you know the Regular Worship Team were always letting you know how “It Is”!

So, As I was enjoying Jon’s Cartoons I came across this one and just had to pen these thoughts as they were refreshed by his take on the “Church Rock Star”! #236
As a teenager, I carried a Bongo set with me and enjoyed playing with them every chance I had. Later in my walk, I would play along with the group in “Home Style Worship”! Always an understudy to be a comedian, when there was a discussion time; I would let all know that I also played the guitar, and assured them that I could play the guitar like I did the Bongos! Someone would hand me a guitar and after strumming a couple cords, I would twirl the guitar around and start the beat on the back like a drum of some kind. Most of the times it got a few laughs and of course made my day!

After a few years, I told the wife I was going to get up on the platform with a guitar around my neck and strum once or twice and start preaching & teaching GOD’s Word! Needless to say, she never would let me. But, at least I get to tell you about it now. And … Oh Yea! Thanks Jon!!!

During this Season when and where we take a special day to celebrate “That HE Was Born” I would Bless you with all that HE has for you and yours, as you remain obedient to HIS Direction at what HE is having you do!

Honest I will get Ulia & me out of Moscow next week! 1


Friday, December 21, 2007


Mark Joyner has been one of my mentor's for some time now and I have learned a lot from some of his resourses. Simpleology sends me an encouraging direction all week long!
I am going to be taking this new Blog Course, to see if it will help me on my other web sites! Take a look, all it will cost you is some time! 1

Sunday, December 16, 2007

The Tentmaker

Loved of The LORD! I wanted to start this post and address the term “Tentmaker”! When I wrote my deputation letter, I said, that I would work my way for my own support, while I was on Missions and was only looking for support for the home fires and making sure my wife was able to pay the bills, while I was gone. When this all ‘Came To Pass’ I was reminded of Acts 18:3 and Paul’s reference to sustaining him self Thru his trade.

Being a General Contractor by Profession and a Carpenter by Trade, I figured I could find something I could do to keep a couple beans on the table. Therefore, I coined the term ‘Tentmaker’ and used Acts 18:3 as the example. I had never heard it used that way in my 14 years of ministry. No doubt, others had used it before and since then I know it has been used that way.

In fact, when I got a hold of Jamie Saw last month, she was in another country with no Religious Freedom and was using it as “A Talk Around” in case we were monitored. She was meaning, “A Believer” who was earning a living and paying their way, while ministering. I thought that was interesting that it was now being used as common understanding. It did take a couple different terms before they stopped going over my head and then made sense to what she was saying!

Do not give up on me, as I will get back to Ulia & me getting out of Moscow, … yet I need to finish this post with the “Tentmaker”!

All the time I was there, I only came across one time that might have been an opportunity, yet as I started to go that way it was straight up hill all the way and besides I was eating well and the ‘Min Ops’ were coming out of our ears!

Cutting to the Chase ...with the only time I actually tried to drive a nail. A couple months after getting to Minsk and moving twice (great stories too!), I found my self very adept at laundering my clothes. Keep in mine that I was constantly seeking whether I should be using any of the talents and skills that I had for anything and the answer always was “To Teach, Preach and Minister, as it was put in front of me.

I was in a four room flat (i.e. counting the kitchen.), which was Up Town” compared to the one & two room flats that was the norm. It had a main room, which Westerners would call the living room that was used as a meeting room. I would try to wash clothes when there were no meetings scheduled, because it was easy to rig temporary clotheslines in that room.

One day that Patrick & I had nothing planed, till later on in the afternoon, I needed to get some of my clothes washed. After getting them washed, (By Hand.) the phone rings and Patrick tells me that he has all the young men of this Ministry/Humanitarian Aid group coming over for an important meeting.

Knowing I could not hang the wet clothes in the usual place and manner, I tried to innovate some kind of solution in my sleeping room. There was a fixture on one side of the room, but nothing on the other side to tie my nylon line. After scouring the flat I found a couple bent nails in the bath room that were being used as hanging hooks. After about ten minutes, I finally straighten them out, using something that was some kind of a wall ordainment, as a hammer. When I tried to drive the nail into that opposite wall, it bent so bad that I could not straighten it. It had started a hole though, that I was able to get the other nail into the wall enough to tie my string.

All during this time, I was having an in depth conversation with the Lord and I finally resolved that I would not ask HIM Again about using my talents and skills while I was there. That was when the second nail finally took hold. My Nail driving days were over for the duration.

Next week, back up to Moscow and Ulia & I getting out of town. Cowboy Missonary and the Train Ride!


Tuesday, December 11, 2007

! “The Secret” of being a ‘Cowboy Missionary’! Part 2.

Wow! How time flies!!! Well only two days behind. Here we go!!!

Anyone who has went thru the process of getting Visa’s, know that it is a learning experience. First The Passport and then receiving a letter of invitation from some legal entity in the Country you are requesting to visit.
This letter was from a group of young Belorussian Christain men that Patrick had put together for this purpose and for getting "humanitarian Aid" into Minsk, for the Ministry. The group had to be made up of Nationals only.

Russia was easy and the Russian travel agency in Hollywood had it all dialed in. The Travel Agency sent my Passport to Russian Embassy in San Francisco and because all the “T”s crossed and “I”s dotted (Naturally for a … … fee) was back in a couple days.

Then “I” sent the Passport to The Belarusian Embassy in DC with Letter of invitation and two weeks later received the (Torn) empty envelope . Now I had to apply for another Pass Port and make several trips to LA and pay more fees etc. Back to DC for Belarusian Visa and barely back in time to make connections in San Francisco on Aero Flop … I mean Aeroflot to Moskava! (Moscow) A group of Russians in airport, with ½ hour till boarding, about 9 or 10 of them, took the cap off a half gallon of Vodka, threw the cap away, and passed it back and forth till it was time to board and naturally the Vodka was gone. I was praying that it was not because they had flown with the pilot before.

The plane was not full, so there was an empty seat between a young Siberian Law Student and me. He was studying International law in, … I believe it was South Dakota. In the North anyhow.

Shucks! I have to back up a minute, in order to go on. Before they left, Patrick had found an old book on survival Russian words & phrases and the family would come over several different times and we would spend 2 or 3 hours practicing what we thought was Russian. Why I was doing it with them, was beside me. I honestly was trying to learn with them, and as a teacher was taking the lead much of the time, in order to expedite their learning.

Nevertheless back on the plane, I strike up this conversation with this young man and I find out that his father is a big shot in the Government and there were some things, about he would not talk.

One of the things I found out, was our Russian Lessons put me way behind, as far as the lessons this young man was giving in me in Russian there on the plane. I was talking to one of the Saws’ daughters a couple weeks ago on the phone and she was laughing, as she reminded me of the Russian Lessons at my house before they left. They still had the book with them when they finally landed in Moscow, 8 hours late and missed their connection. She told me that when they showed the book to someone that they were told that the author did not know what he was talking about in this book and all the Russian they had learned was to no avail for them too!

Therefore, I learned how to count to 2, say thank you and was in Belarus two months before I finally heard how to say Please and Your Welcome the right way. They said it so fast that I did not hear one syllable ever, until I held someone’s mouth and made them say it one syllable at a time. Keep in mine that up until then, they would smile and the younger ones outright laughed, every time I said it!

Now, let us get back to my new Siberian friend and the flight into Moscow. I really enjoyed talking to him and he seemed to like me and we talked about a lot of things, except like I said, when it came to why he was on his way back to Moscow and a few other obvious things, he would look uncomfortable and change the subject.

When we landed, he headed for a gate that had nobody at it, while I was herded into one of 10 or 12 that were already 40 deep. When I looked up, he was gone. Finally, thru the line about an hour later, I am looking at Immigration and he is looking at my passport and Russian Visa with this puzzled look on his face, as he is asking me questions in Russian and I do not understand.

Low and Behold … the Siberian reappears, I found out he came back to get his baggage and as he walks by he sees me, and was wondering what was going on. Customs would show him my passport, pointing at something and then the Visa, pointing and shaking his head.

I do not know what was said, yet the young man spoke to customs sternly and with authority and customs nodded his head, stamped my documents and handed them back to me with a smile. You tell me! My seat on that plane was ordained and I know who was sitting in that empty seat! This is a part of what it means to be “A Cowboy Missionary”! 'Partaking In The Kingdom'!

I went for the baggage. I had two big suitcases and a giant duffle bag that had a couple rollers on the bottom end, plus a backpack that I carried on. It was quite an experience getting it stacked up so I could pull them with both hands.

I went on thru the airport to the non-passenger area and HOW Blessed I was when I seen this young woman with a sign with my name on it! Ulia could speak English very well and she had hired a driver to pick me up and take us to her Mom & Dad’s Flat, about 50 km on the other side of Moscow. Patrick had prearranged this, when they knew I was coming. In fact, Ulia had barely returned from Belarus and was only with her folks a day when I came in.

It was the middle of night, nevertheless the driver would point out different spots and she would translate for me. When he pointed out the Kremlin, it was all lit up with different colored lights and I told Ulia that it looked like Disney Land. She hesitantly told the driver what I said and with out any missed licks he responded with, “That Is What It Is” and all 3 of us cracked up! When we got to her folk’s building I was so wound up that, the Driver and Ulia had to tell me 2 or 3 times to pay him the $50 bucks that I owed for the ride.

We went up four flights of stairs, made three or four trips and then to meet Ulia’s Parents. Keep in mind this is a two room flat and Ulia gave up her room to me, while she slept with her mom and her dad slept on the couch.

Need to get this posted so I can go to bed now, myself. We will pick this up in the next post and explain “The Tentmaker” too. Oh! Before I skip over it, remember when my first Passport and Belarusian Visa was lost. The new Passport had a new number and the Russian Visa had the old Passport number on it. That is what had the Customs Agent in a quandary until my friend straightens him out. Later!


Sunday, December 2, 2007

“The Secret” of being a ‘Cowboy Missionary’!

The Moscow experience for the Saws (I need to give them a last name for continuity.) is a story in itself. I will pick that up later. Remember that they are on their way to Moldova (Former USSR) in the cold of Winter and they make it as far as Minsk, the Capital of The Republic of Belarus. (Trivia = White Russia.) Jamie (Lets give them all a name.) the wife and Mother acquires a position in a Private business that provides a service to Diplomats & Dignitaries. I will mention ‘Tent Makers’ below.

Patrick (Not his real name) is a full time Missionary that Ministers to anyone who will stand still long enough to hear the message. This group is about 75-80 % late teens & young adults, tho there are families and even singular Grannies & Gramps there too. Babushkas and Dadushkas. (Sp?)

Now keep in mind that these people are like our own children … Family for sure and we are doing the best to stay in communication with them. E-Mail was antiquated and not reliable then, tho I communicate today with another spiritual son & his family in Minsk as tho there was no miles between us. With VoIP we talk computer to computer all over as … well almost as good as using a land line to talk to your next door neighbor. Believe or not funds started to come in right away Not A Flood per se and we had to rely on God to show us how to get it to them. Today it is just a matter of depositing monies into their MC or Visa debit card and one just goes to a bank, almost as we do here. I have to say that nothing is ever … was ever easy and there still seems to be a complex issue in every situation over there in the Former USSR. I believe the federation is called the CIS i.e. Confederation (of) Independent States today.

Some how … … … some way we made contact with other Missionaries on their way there or going back there after a Sabbaticals, along with Business people endeavoring to set up trade with the Belarussians and they carried the funds and little essentials into them for us. Keep in Mind that ACI, which was at that time headed up and ran by Ken and Carol Meeks at that time was a big part of this and because of their experiences were really a big help.

Now let me get to “The Secret” of being a ‘Cowboy Missionary’!” and my experience the first time.

I was just talking to my neighbor (Who God is moving in his life now after knowing him for over forty years.) that there is a hole in every human being that is to be filled with only the presence of God. I was telling him (And he Knew … ) how for so many years I tried to cram anything and everything into it and never got any satisfaction till I recommitted myself to Christ. My wife and I did that in December of 1977. I pray that this will happen thirty years later in my neighbor’s life.

Sometime in 1993 The Spirit of God Placed … … ‘A Knowing’ deep down inside of me to assist my Friends & Family to get on down to Chisinau the Capitol of Moldolva. The Ministry was doing so good and growing in Minsk that there was not a drive to get on down to where they were called.

When I told my wife that God had called me to the Mission Field she was incredulous and I could see the heels digging in. Nonetheless, I sat down to my Radio Shack Tandy that my brother in law gave me when he got his super 286 and wrote the second paragraph of my Deputation Letter. It went something like this:

If you think that this is just another preacher trying to get into your billfold, then before you read another word, … throw this into the trash can.

I showed this to the lovely wife of my youth the next morning and she said, “Oh Yea! That is going to get you a lot of support!”

Nevertheless, before we went to Church that morning, she told me that should our Pastor concurred that she would support me in the move, tho she would stay and keep the home fires aglow.

Our youngest son flat out told me that he did not want me to go over to that dangerous place. I had to remind him that a few months before that one of our neighbor’s son up the street was blown away by a ‘drive by’ down the street. Of how his mother and I ducked and hid behind the decorated rock portion of the exterior wall up in our bedroom one night when a drive by filled the neighbor’s car across the street with lead.

I just knew that I would be safer over there in Russia than here at home! The only real danger was to the hair on the back of my neck when I found myself in some bizarre situations.

Moving along! Keep in mind that I did not know how God was going to do this, only that He was going to do it! After the Service we went up to our pastor and my wife is watching both of us very closely, as I told him that I had been called to Missions and the need to assist getting the Moldolvian Ministry going. Without any hesitation, he was in agreement and we also agreed that Minsk was the home camp till the timing was right.

That afternoon after I drafted the 1st and 3rd paragraph, ( it was about 2 pages after it was done.) we went up to the High Desert where there was a family gathering, It was probably a birthday. When we went in some of my brother’s in-laws were already there and we had not seen them for a while. Before we even sat down, I was asked directly, without hesitation what I was up to these days. Keep in mind it was only the night before that I had received the calling.

Funny you asked, I replied. I have been called to Missions. To Belarus and then to Moldolva to assist some friends in the ministry that they were called to. Directly, without hesitation, I was told, “We want some of that!” and we soon had the 1st $1,000, as an emphatic GO! During the middle of the next week and I still did not have the Deputation Letter written yet, we found ourselves out of town at some friend’s that we never saw unless it was on the week end. We had fellowshipped with them before they move away and were like Family too. The 1st thing he said, (as it had been a while since seeing them too.) directly and with out hesitation, “What are you doing these days?”

I am not being repetitious or redundant in making these connections. You have to hear this being ‘screamed’ at me with Spiritual confirmation. When I told him in few words what was happening, he responded emphatically, “We want some of that!”

In the mouth of two or three witnesses, let every word be established! Deut. 17:6; Deut. 19:15; Matthew 18:16; 2 Cor. 13:1; 1 Tim. 5:19; Hebrews 10:28;

Having a tenacious character, there was nothing that would stop me now! By The Way! In these later years I am still being honed, as even the God Given tenacity, with out the explicit direction of The Holy Spirit, blinds one to the obvious opportunities. However, Learn I Will! In JESUS’ Name! Hopefully without, as much self effort. IYKWIM? It is so much easier to do it by HIS numbers!

Cutting to the chase! Well next week MORE! “The Secret” of being a ‘Cowboy Missionary’! Part 2. And ‘The Tent Makers'
