Thursday, November 29, 2007

The Fonz For President / Henry Winkler

Last month My Wife & I invested 3 awesome days in SLC UT at Authors Conference and BookWise Convention. We had the pleasure of listening to many Published Authors and met several of them. When we were in line to get ‘The Fonz’ / Henry Winkler sign the books we had bought, my Wife showed him a ‘Button’ with ‘The Fonz For President’ on it. She said, “I wanted to show you this” as he was signing all these books as fast as he could --

-- He glanced up for a second and went back to signing the books as it was ‘No Big Thing’. After about 30 seconds (Seem like an hour!) quickly he looked up, snatched the button out of her hand, Signed it quickly and winked at her as he handed it back.

My Wife's Prize Trophy For The Day!
An autographed Campaign Button Of "The Fonz For President!

(Edit) See:The Fonz For President: Button

1 AKA DP, as I am about my FATHER’s Business!

Making A Difference And Helping Other People Reach Their Goals!

Come Turn A Page!


Sunday, November 25, 2007

“Cowboy Missionaries On The Go!” - - - - - - Re: 'Cowboy Crane Operators'

I have a need to explain a little more about this term “Cowboy”! Back in the late fifties and early sixties I was working on Missile Silos at Vandenberg AFB, and these Silos are around 200 feet deep. After we dug them and ‘slip formed’ the poured in place concrete, Structural Iron Workers erected the Crib Iron in the Silo. Most Iron Workers are Cowboys themselves, ‘Daring’ just a part of their characters.
The crane operator was extremely good and would bring these men out of the hole in a ‘Man Cage’ and they would be egging him on, yelling and jumping, bouncing the cage. He got so that as soon as the cage cleared the hole, he would swing the boom quickly to half way between the hole & where the cage was supposed to be set down. As the cage was swinging really fast, he would agilely swing the boom over to where he would at the last minute gently placed the cage on the X that marked the landing spot. This operator was GOOD! And so, the Iron Workers called him a ‘Cowboy Operator’. Not to take anything away from “The Cowboy Ministries” that minister to Cowboys today. I thought this would be a good place to give some meaning to my use of the term. By The Way, The safety program at that time (OSHA?) eventually stopped the Cowboy Antics, as it was extremely dangerous.

Back to my story and our friends who were Cowboys!
They sold and gave away everything, which was not much, & off they went with Family & Friends wondering if they had lost their mind. You might say they did lose their mind, … after they found their heart!

Our friends and their four kids took off for Moldova via Moscow in 1994 with only what they had with them, about $1,500.00 in cash, in the middle of winter. On their way, on the plane was a Mission Group from a Korean Church here in So. Cal. On their way to St. Petersburg to minister for a week, the Plane change destinations in mid flight, which caused our friends to miss their connections in Moscow.

Another friend of ours, went with them, to help them get established and he returned to US two weeks later. He was sitting next to one of these people in the other group and was telling the woman who was sitting between him and her husband, about this family that heard the voice of GOD and sold (and gave away) everything, but the clothes on their back and was heading for Moldova, which is below the Ukraine. This woman started to weep and our friend asked her husband if he offended her and the Husband with a smile on his face, said no … that his wife had a dream that GOD told her that she was to give a family on this trip, $2,000.00 who were on their way to the Mission Field.

Needless to say, that everything was on schedule, regardless of what the circumstances were saying. To make a long story shorter, When in Moscow, they told a person that they were on their way to Moldova and the response was, “It is a long train ride to Moldova!

I may eventually write more about their adventures and God meeting their needs, as I put this book together, yet I am in the process of contacting them, to see where they stand on this.

Next Week: More on Cowboy Missionaries! ©2007

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Cowboy Missionaries That Are Not Cowboys!

How far do you have to back up to get continuity? I will fill in this gap, as The Book progresses;

To Continue:

We met this family in a Church that “we found our selves in”, (A Story in Itself!) and to us they were believers … yet not judging, they seemed some what nominal to us. We tried every thing not to fellowship with them, except outright rudeness. Every Sunday and I mean ‘Every Sunday they invited us over to their house for dinner and fellowship. Now I did not need to Talk about GOD all the time, yet our conversations were always mundane and secular. When we would interject something a little bit spiritual, it very seldom got much traction. Nevertheless, we kept plugging along. And AND A N D we soon ‘Knew’ that GOD had put us together. And we became really good friends!FAMILY!

This Church was basic Fundamental, Evangelical, Non Charismatic, where we could probably be labeled as Pentecostal who had served in a light … well Charismatic Denomination for over 20 years.(That said, They were not a Denomination) … (You figure that out, tho It will eventually be a part of The Book too. See : Where Do I Fit In The Body Of Christ? VI (2nd Para.); Below.)

After a couple of years, now finding ourselves singing from hymnals, and being directed by The Holy Spirit, our friend found himself in a fuller relationship with God and in more light in understanding Spirituals. 1Cor. 12:1 ff.

He told me one evening, that God knew that "I would never step foot into a Pentecostal Church and that is why HE sent you to me!"

Sometime in 1993 or 4 a couple on Deputations visited, the Church on their way to China. (Going to China will become an interesting portion of the Book later on.) My friend’s wife received the calling during this visit, yet he wasn’t going to have any part of it. Our Pastor’s wife told her to just start praying and believe it or not … Oh Yea, you’re a believer, within 2 months he was called to the Republic of Moldova, former USSR. I can still hear him now (Writing and) Singing, Moldova, Moldova, I hear the cry from Moldova! (Which was a completed song by the time they left.)

When I asked how he was going to get support … IF … When it came in, he had found a support group that were not a Spiritual Covering yet collected & dispersed support revenue and for lack of a better term “Cowboy Missionaries”. This had no reference to Cowboys per se, it meant those who were on their own, going into the Mission field.

This group was Aviation Missionaries that dropped Scripture & Tracks into Villages in Mexico, until the laws changed that prevented them from doing it. It evolved into what it is today and the Acronym ACI now stands for Assisting Christian Individuals, International.

Click on their Link (above) and Take a look at what is available. If you have any questions, Email Nancy Hagerman, She will be blessed for an opportunity to assist you in getting started as a Missionary.

Funny now, as I Googled , there does not seem to be anything that uses that term for that meaning. As a side note, should you know anywhere it is used like this, I would appreciate hearing from you.

Next Week “Cowboy Missionaries On The Go ©2007 !”

Sunday, November 11, 2007

The Unique Way To Missions

Loved Of The LORD,
So many times, as we have been ministering, I have been asked about the process to be involved in Missions. All I can say is that the way GOD took me,(And later The wife of my youth, with me.) was contrary to any Church &/or Group Mission ways that I know about. Most Missionaries have to drum up support to so much a month, (around $20 - $40 thousand a year) before they are sent. This might be a new term for you, but to go along with that"Special Uniqueness" of our calling, we found ourselves a part of a special breed called “Cowboy Missionaries”. Below is a portion of a very Good article on the normal Deputation process. Check out the link for the full article!

Missionary deputation is often looked upon as "the pits," a horrible experience through which fledgling missionaries must pass in order to become "real missionaries." "If only we could avoid deputation," say some who claim that otherwise they would consider missionary service. Ernest D. Pickering, Th.D.

In July of 2007 we were up in the Yosemite area for a Special Retirement Celebration of one of our former Pastors and some friends from down here in So Cal were staying in the same Lodge with us. During our conversations, our Mission trips were shared in passing & I was “Told” that I needed to write it down so other people could partake of it too. Here it is in the middle of November of 2007 and I find myself writing another chapter of The Book.
I have to back up and tell another story for background before my own story, as this is really a step of faith. Next week … Same writer, Same Blog! 1 ©2007

Saturday, November 10, 2007


Loved of The LORD,
We are still in the process of (Learning) Building our Blog Site, i.e. Won Preacher's Thoughts
So "Just to be honest" we need to experiment, in order to get it up to speed. As slow as it has been, we are excited that we are starting to move and as soon as I complete some of these learning curves, getting them under my belt, I will concentrate on the purpose of the Blog. In the Mean Time, if you have any Questions about this building process, let me know and I will be blessed to share what I know. I have not been able to Hot Link the "BookWise" side panel yet, (Edited 071112 "We have it working now! Try It Out!) Nevertheless the Title of this post and name above, will take you there. Now that that is done, Let me just say that we have been able to minister without raising support in "The General Way" and our hand in Business (Like "BookWise") and our Regular Income has sufficed thus far. As The Apostle Paul encouraged the Philippians by commending those who had a part in his ministry, (Philip. 4:17
Not that I seek the gift, but I seek the fruit that abounds to your account.) *Come Turn A Page!* & have a part in ours. Thank you for your indulgence in this short recess from the main direction and I will now get back to Business Now! 1 ©2007

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Another Book Review!

Loved of The LORD,
No moss growing under my feet. Have T. D. Jakes 'REPOSITION YOURSELF' under my belt. It was an informative and found it to be a good read. As I have said before, "Have not found a man (or woman) of God that I agree with 100%, yet Bishop Jakes' book is helpful. Check out my reviews on the link above. NOTE! This is the 1st time I tried this link thing, now watch it work!

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Blog Rush & UpDated Blog

Loved Of The LORD,
Still learning about Blogging. Have added "Blog Rush" to get more exposure. The Blogs shown are not necessarily my position and are in the category of Religion &/or Spiritual Blogs. To learn more about "Blog Rush" click on bottom tab.
I am also very pleased with "HostMonster" as my server. When you are ready for your own site, Give it a look! All for now, as I am off to the gym!
L8r, 1

Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Secret

Loved Of THE LORD,

Well this has been a busy & exciting two weeks and running to catch up on many things including this Blog.

The Love of my life, who is The Wife of my youth and I were up in the Salt Lake City Area visiting love ones after a phenomenal 3 day business training & Writer's Conference. I will make reference to it soon, again time being a factor.

On returning to this love of writing I find a comment to the last post (Sunday, October 14, 2007) that make reference to The Secret and a couple other things that seem to fit right in here at this time.

Katch writes, “‘The Secret’ is a very clever commercialisation of the Law of Attraction. - “YOU ATTRACT WHAT YOU FOCUS ON” is not a new phenomenon.”

I am reminded of the unjust steward of Luke 16 who was commended for being shrewd, V:8. There is nothing new under the Sun, Eccles. 1:9; and no doubt the world has access to The Truth of Scripture and Science with no restrictions to capitalizing on any of it. I think what is disappointing, is that The Church labels those very same truths, as 'New Age' (It is.) and will not have any part of the very same things that JESUS taught.

Katch continues, “For me The Secret and all that I researched and read following on from viewing this DVD has brought me back to my starting point as a Believer.”

AND ... The (Continuing) 'Good News' is that even a Secular Publication is used to speak to Believers on where they are at and where they are going. Even the 'Practiced' Truth will still lead to Hell, should The Blood not be appropriated by faith. Another sermon for another time. ;-)

Katch Quoting Phil.4:8, then saying, “There is so much in Scripture for us to take note of and practice in daily life which includes how we conduct ourselves in business and our working life.”

Yes, Phil. 4:8 was delivered to me many moons ago, as a Rx to good mental health, by a Precious Former Pastor of mine, and I am always still looking for 'The Good Report' to meditate on, in all things that HE places before me. So many portions of Scripture “Just” seem to come in focus at the appropriate time, which evidences and confirms The Holy Spirit’s direction and my awareness of being in HIS Presence.

Katch, “When you have written your review of Joel Osteen’s book “Your Best Life Now” have a read of the review on …”

No doubt someone(s) in 'The Traditional Church' has labeled Joel Osteen's teaching and writing, as something watered down &/or blasphemous when only looking at a minute portion of the total ministry.

I was told by a young brother yesterday that Joel Osteen did no teach on hell or homosexuality and was reminded that I was called on years ago for not making my first and foremost issue in introducing JESUS to someone that HE Was GOD. My response was, that to me it was more important to introduce my LORD as a friend and to Know that The Word Of God and The Holy Spirit were more than capable of revealing That Truth, as well as the needed others to a neophyte believer in due time and order, as HE saw fit. Joel probably has that same assurance and peace that GOD is calling The shots there too. After all something is going on for that Ministry to be the biggest in the US.

Nevertheless I appreciate any comments and in this case, … was apropos and content for this post. As always I am excited to hear what HE is doing in believer’s lives.