Tuesday, October 14, 2008

~ Food for Thought! ~ Growth Is Good! ~

There is a need to start this off with: God Is Good! Ps. 73:1 From here we can go anywhere.
You might have had a need to ask me why the last post was in Red? I am glad you asked and because it caught your eye, it served its purpose1

The main reason is to convey how I hurt … (And not like BC = “I feel your Pain!) to see so many not partaking in HIS Kingdom out of ignorance and/or stubbornness. The funny thing about it is that even as I am writing about this I could be right in the middle of both of them.

Sometimes they are so subtle that they are invisible and evasive. As I write this, I am open to have a slap up the side of my head, so that I can partake of all this wisdom myself.

The reason for this post is for my growth and you could be the instrument of HIS choice should you step out of your comfortable prison and let the swing begin, by contacting me. Go ahead so I can say: “Thanks … I Needed That!”

Nevertheless, have a blessed day and reap what HE has for you today!

1 aka DP

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