Monday, September 1, 2008

IX More Thoughts: Business & Other Belief Systems

“Other Pressing Matters” seems to be the Reason/ Excuse that is common today when there has been a lapse in fulfilling a commitment. Nevertheless, I will start this post begging forgiveness from my faithful readers for this delay.

Give me a few lines to get this back up and running again. … Thank you!

Now approaching my seventh decade, I do not profess to know all about these Spirituals, nor have what I do know, working perfectly in my life. Now not to be redundant, yet it helps to reiterate some things for those of you who are just coming aboard and have not yet caught the direction we are endeavoring to pursue. This will also help some of you ‘Regulars’ to stay abreast without going back to be refreshed.

Allow me to say that you do not need to embrace these thoughts completely as I present them to you. Nevertheless, be as smart as a cow and eat the hay and spit out the (What you believe are) sticks. Most of you, who find interest here, are more than (likely) old enough, to have been around the John several times and know how to flush it! As this is Labor Day, please rest and do not labor! :-)

OK Regulars! One more and we will get on with this thought for today.

We are talking about people of different belief systems engaging in any kind of Business venture.

See post where ‘Groups’ are discussed. CLICK HERE

(Also see labels down in the left sidebar, “Groups”)

Scripture refers it to an ox and mule being yoked together to pull a load. “2Cor 6:14” Most of the times it is used in reference to Spiritual convictions in marriage. e.g. Can you believe that Mary Matalin & James Carville are married to each other. She is a ‘Rather Die Than Change’ Conservative and advisor to many in the Republican Party and he is an ultra Liberal who works with the Democrats. I do not know their spiritual conviction, but their jobs pit themselves against each other. Both are good at what they do, one can only imagine what goes on behind closed doors.

The reason to bring them up is, again to know that there are ‘Exceptions’ to every rule. So as things we discuss, start to line up and make sense, do not put yourself in a box that you cannot smell the roses, because of the fertilizer.

From last post and talking about going to the mail box and not thinking about bills per se. The $10 off coupon meant little to some of you, Nevertheless, Money is coming this way. I just deposited checks for over $26K the bills are paid before they come in the mail and still getting useful coupons on a regular basis.

There is hesitation to continue in this direction, as many will take a (or their) Situation and locked into their own filters, will choose, subconsciously to write off anything herein revealed. Nevertheless, I will pursue this angle for the few that get it.

A friend of mine brought up that in the J.O.B. work force today it is very fortunate to find a direct supervisor that has the same convictions. Those who do, still have to realize that their supervisor and/or owner may be coming from an opposite perspective. Another reason why so many are looking for an opportunity to be self employed and/or work from home. What does one do, when they find themselves in that kind of situation? Without God’s Favor group one will so often panic or look on the situation with an eye toward darkness and the preverbal half full glass.

Do not get huffed up, as I also know there are those of you that are out of bed with your glass not only half-full, knowing it will soon be running over.

“I am drinking from the saucer, as my cup runneth over!”

Now again failing to upset group 1, let us see how we do with Group 2. Those who do not know or understand the personal favor of God, may or may not see or understand that those positive outlooks, i.e. perspectives, (Eye of light), Nevertheless, act on those divine laws and either watch their thoughts, (to begin with) but more importantly what is coming out of their mouth.

This affords them favor with the Universe, their concept and/or ‘a Doorknob’ that they believe in. It is an actuality as valid and powerful as Gravity.

Let me finish this post today with, how mind boggling it is that there are those in both groups that choose not the full advantage there is knowing God. Like James & Mary above who apparently have found ‘Work Arounds’. Group one passing on by the ‘Joint participation’ with God and HIS laws and Group two who pass on knowing HIM Personally through HIS SON Jesus The Anointed ONE!

In the next post, I will endeavor to give examples what one in either group may do when they find themselves un-equally yoke with another of a different belief system.

Be Blessed, 1 aka, DP

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