Friday, July 25, 2008

III More Thoughts: Business & Other Belief Systems

Please excuse my delay getting back here to business in its real sense, as I am still endeavoring to Build Business that will help sustain this calling. And while doing that I am in constant awe how, so many, in Group One (Those who know they are on their way to Heaven to be with God & HIS SON.) pass the ‘Kingdom Laws’ on by, because they think that going down those paths will either lose their salvation or at least ‘T’ God off at them! And let me throw this at you one more time!

Luk 16:8 And his lord commended the unrighteous steward because he had done wisely: for the sons of this world are for their own generation wiser than the sons of the light.

I had the pleasure of attending my 2nd “Toast Master’s Club” meeting yesterday and listen to a speech by a Chinese Immigrant, even with her accent, she had command of the English Language. Enunciating every word precisely, her topic was “We will come back! Her husband is a financial planner and even with everyone bad mouthing the economy, his glass is always half full! (Vs half empty)

She used a 2 foot by 3 foot picture (-Graft - That normally hangs in their office.) of the economy showing the rise & fall of commerce in the US over the last century. Through every drop, there was a great growth following, where the people caught the momentum and those who had a mind to, prospered.

Her assurance was not so much in her husband’s optimism as it was in the cyclic record of the past. FDR’s Inaugural Quote, “We have nothing to fear, but fear itself!” rang thru her conclusion and close.

As a guest, I was to comment before the meeting closed. I commended that Speaker (Being an Immigrant) for her enthusiasm, and her patriotism nearly having me jump to my feet to wave my flag!

I quoted:

Mat 6:22 The lamp of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.

Mat 6:23 But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is the darkness!

And I continued with, every time I hear any negative things about the economy, as I look around I see all the construction going on. Apartments being built, even with the ‘So Called Housing Failure’, on going street work in progress, parking lots full with people coming out with baskets full of ‘Stuff’, only shows me the ‘Glass Half Full’ is getting close to the rim.

Now I am aware that what I am about to say will no doubt, give members of the 1st group reason to cross their index fingers between me and them, as I am branded (AGAIN), as an Heretic, Nevertheless …

Giving thought to the secular perspective of The Scriptural Truth Above, and “The Law Of Attraction” that members of group two, take this Devine Law to its zenith and prosper in spite of what the economy, government and politics try to dictate! (Even though they will end up in Hell, by not appropriating the most important Truth, i.e. what Jesus accomplished at The Cross! I Cannot Help It; I am a Preacher!)

I have had they opportunity to offend both camps now and will post this for your observation, perusal, and/or comments.

Please be advised that I am not done yet and “I Shall Return!” ;-) Be Blessed, 1 aka DP

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