More Thoughts!
Loved of the LORD, I have been giving thought to what are some of the more Important things that should be evident on my plate. Not just to have something to write here in this Blog, yet for my attention on a regular basis.
As believers we all want to sanctify the Lord God in our hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks us a reason for the hope that is in us, with meekness and fear; ( 1 Peter 3:15) As well as, to Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching. (2 Tim. 4:2) every chance we get.
Nevertheless, while I am all involved with what is going on in front of me, especially to go through a door when it opens, regardless of being spiritual or mundane, I want to be ‘aware’ of being in HIS Presence.
Allow me to address the mundane from my perspective, having no doubt others will differ. Call me an opportunist you may, yet I have not received a morsel of nourishment from a raven, while in my need. (1 Kings 17:6;) Not that I have any doubt, that that may still be the case. So I believe I still need to be scratching while I am able, (Matthew 6:26;) unless directed otherwise.
As far as the spiritual aspects, most of you have a good understanding of those kinds of things, though if you do not; leave a comment below desiring to know the same.
I am not able to think of anything that may be on one’s plate that is not either Spiritual or Mundane, so allow me to move on. Nevertheless, feel free to jump in with comments at any time. Contributions are really appreciated!
SO! Back to the plate and taking care of those thing! Unless you are a hermit, we are always with people somewhere around us. How many times have you been right in the middle of something and you are presented with someone with a need? Several examples come to mind.
So many times, I am busy, as I am right now and my wife or another member of the family wants me to do something or give them something. How about the panhandler on the off ramp of the freeway with that proverbial sign, ‘Will Work For Food’? What about on the job?
I do not know about you, yet I seem to respond (or at times, not respond,) with past experiences and (What I think,) what other people would think that I should do and apply what will take care of the situation at hand. Getting on with dealing with the plate in front of me is primarily the cause my action (Or lack of action), hardly ever seeking what God would prefer me to do in each situation.
Now not that I have attained, (Philip. 3:12;) yet I have tasted the blessing of being aware of being in HIS Presence and doing what ‘I Know’ HE is preferring, regardless of what anyone else would think that "I Should Do” and letting the chips fall were they may.
Now, cutting to the chase; my need is, “To Be There More Of The Time”, hoping for the completion that I will have at HIS coming. I am gaining though it is not as fast as I would like it to be, yet exercises, as writing this Post helps me along the way.
My prayer is that this has been a help to others … … … and to afford others the opportunity to suggest how I may excel even more, by commenting below!
Be Blessed my brethren! I shall return, DP aka 1
It basically comes down to responsible management of attitude and time. (Romans 7:14-25)
Then there are other passages which speak of God’s great capacity for love and understanding. Remember when the crowds pressed in on him and He withdrew to a place by himself….
It is interesting to note that often when we need the Lord’s attention we pray or call out to Him with our needs, desires etc. expecting immediate response (attention) in the affirmative.
The ‘mundane’ or so called ‘non spiritual’ areas of life can be a cop-out to act as we want reserving the ‘spiritual’ for when it suits or fits in.
Perhaps a re-assessment of time spent ‘working’, earning the bread so one can ‘be there more of the time’ for non-work related interaction. Should what we are doing in the ‘mundane’ be taking up much of our day? Or a re-assessment of the WHY factor,
‘Being there more of the time’ is related to cherishing those in our circle and being cherished by them in return. This of course takes considerable effort on the part of all involved. To love as God loves is something we as his children aspire to and is an on-going process.
Tom Eads "Husbands, Love your Wives..." pens 13 interesting Biblical commands for husbands. While many of the comments he makes in this article are not applicable to this particular ‘thought’, the sentiments expressed in points -
1. Love your wife as Christ loved the church. Give yourself up for your wife. [Ephesians 5:25]
2. Love your wife in the same way you love your body and yourself. [Ephesians 5:28-33]
3. Be considerate as you live with your wife. [I Peter 3:7]
4. Do not be harsh with your wife. [Colossians 3:19]
And 9) Praise your wife. [Proverbs 31:28-29]
can be crossed over to our attitude toward others.
This response is probably not in the area of what was in your mind when penning this particular ‘thought’.
Hi Katch,
No doubt you have gave this a lot of thought and taken some time to put it together. And of course you are now waiting for the proverbial … BUT …
Nevertheless, All your points are well taken …
Y E T ! as I perused your suggestions with a fine tooth comb I found none that are not ‘A Work In Progress’ tho the prayer & love aspect is on going and slowly gaining ground. There is always room for more love & I am reminded of the Sixteenth Century Poet ‘St John Of The Cross’ who advises,
You might quiet the whole world for a second if you pray.
And if you love, if you
Really love,
Our guns will
SO, Back to looking for the Cue when surrounded by people (No problem in my closet or on the mountain top or in the little crevasse in the sand dunes.) and needing to deal with them. I am almost at the place (Most of the time) where I can live with Que Sa Ra, Sa Ra.
For Sure Thank You For The Comment, Deeply Appreciated, 1 aka DP
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