Saturday, March 15, 2008

Thoughts ~ Philippian Stop Sign

As I continue to write, I periodically Mention “The Philippian Stop Sign” and how importantly it becomes, as I seek direction and Revelation. Many times there is a necessity to recapitulate how I come across some of theses Jewels that are a part of my walk with The Living GOD! Please understand that this is not from “The Gnostic Mindset”, But as The HOLY SPIRIT Reveals.

Times past it is just to give credit to the Individual that the tidbit comes from, though that is not always the case and /or necessary. In fact in my conversations with HIM, I have even repented for going on as if the revelation was given directly to me, and was told, “Where Do You Think That They Got It From, To Begin With?!”

In this case, I want to back up and introduce you to one of my dear friends, who has been at times a subtle Mentor (Humbly, not suggesting that what he had to say had any purpose.) and many times one used to allow me to make quantum leaps in Faith.

Of course we share many trips where we have been (You might say,) hand in hand, as GOD has spoke to both of us through both of us. Oh, before I pass it by, his name is Doug.

I will start this writing with a perspective he gave me over thirty years ago, that though it was beyond my understanding at the time has allowed me to interact with so many of my brethren over the years.

Picture if you can a Dumbbell with two round hollow balls at each end of a hollow tube. You are in one ball (Your World) looking through the hollow tube at any other person in (Their World) the other ball. The only thing one may see of the other ball (Through The Tube.) is very limited and visa versa. Somewhat resembling 'The Shadows' of Plato’s “Cave Allegory”, Another Subject For Another Time!”

In other words, one cannot really understand the uniqueness of another’s Perspective of the physical Realm to begin with, let alone Spiritual Understanding. Oh yes, from what we can see, we can agree on many aspects of the worlds (Balls) of others, especially if we want to.

My Question at the time was how can I be sure that what I am doing at any time, is the perfect Will of God? This was a quandary for many years for me, as another perspective Doug used was that he chose not to believe anything that was not revealed by The Spirit of God! This included many verses of Scripture that I had wrapped up with a bow and made my own. (Emphasis Mine!)

Nevertheless, several years ago, as I was questioning him again, out of the Blue he referred to ‘The Philippian Stop Sign” and the assurance it afforded.

So if you are ready let us take that Mystical Trip that Paul explains in the third Chapter of Philippians. I will use the New King James Version for this explanation.

Paul’s exhortation is to not to have any confidence in the flesh and you have to admit that this has been … the norm for The Traditional Church to have us major in. Nevertheless, Paul goes on to explain one of the main reasons is so that we may Fellowship in our LORD’s Sufferings.

Keep in mind that these words we have mouthed over the centuries. The Goal is to attain to the resurrection from the dead. This is something that is ongoing in the here and now! Phil. 3: 10 & 11. Paul has tasted something that is sweet … maybe flavorful would be a better word. In that morsel is the promise of even more of the same. Now at the same time, as Socrates’ philosophers are blinded by the sun when coming out of the cave and their former cave neighbors now think they are crazy, they can now see and describe what are no longer shadows. Paul is doing his best to encourage The Philippians, as well as us today to partake of what has been placed before us.

No way is Paul bragging or elevating himself, more than likely savoring the pain of Christ’s Suffering, he continues in the 12th verse with:

Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me.

He is continuing in what he now knows he has been called to and he, also has a need/desire to grasp even more.
[13] Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, [14] I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

Allow me to leave the significance of partaking of “The Suffering” and address the Philippian Stop Sign. As we learn to “PRESS In” to that goal, we KNOW that we are on that ‘Path’ and we have what is called, “The Mind Of Christ”:
1 Cor. 2:16 For "who has known the mind of the LORD that he may instruct Him?" But we have the mind of Christ.

This Maturity, Perfection is on going process that still brings us to the place of absolute assurance of our walk and we know:
[Phil. 3:15] Therefore let us, as many as are mature, have this mind; and if in anything you think otherwise, God will reveal even this to you.

(This Is The Stop Sign, should it be used.) It now becomes GOD’s right, … job, … and even pleasure to straighten us out! The rest of the Chapter Paul’s Exhortation is again to imitate him, as he imitates Christ. (1 Cor. 4:16; 1 Cor. 11:1;)

Take the time to allow the last six verses to speak to you in that very special way and I will stop here so I can post this to the Blog.

Now no doubt there will be some of you who will not see it this way and all I can do is to encourage you to continue to look down that “Hollow Tube” and wonder until you become a Partaker of HIS Kingdom Now!
Be Blessed, 1 aka DP © 2008

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