(This Was Previously Posted At http://dpgatten.com On December 19, 2010.)
I beseech the peruser &/or even the casual skimmer not to imagine this to be a lettered paper. Knowingly, I confess that it is far from it. The motif is only in some small way enlighten, as many inquiring minds with a perspective that I have given careful thought for decades.
Ask any believing Christian, “What did Lucifer fall from”? And I have no doubt that their answer would be, “Pride”! This is the teaching from ‘Mainline Churches’ and the myriads of past and present ‘Ordinary Potatoes’. This is one of the reasons for the dis-claimer above. Regardless of the seriousness and importance of any subject I often interject humor for emphasis &/or because I can’t help it. ‘Ordinary Potatoes’ = i.e. ‘Commentators’.
The answer is based on what they have been taught from “The 5 ‘I Will’(s)” of Isaiah 14:13 & 14, (*a.)
which I contend was the ‘Symptom’ of his sin, not the cause. For the believers reading this, I will bring Scriptural Confirmation to my premise in due time.
Moving along to the last sixty centuries (-/+), we quickly look on commerce, i.e. bartering and trading, that has been a normal aspect of all civilizations. There are others who have studied this system and are better versed to speak on it than I am; nevertheless, what I have found is that ‘The Middle Man’ Always seems to make himself available to make the trades ‘Look’ equitable.
"History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance."
--President James Madison
The scheme is to loan the Chief, King, i.e. the Leader, of a tribe, clan or nation some kind of money, in order for them to buy their every whim & fancy. This establishes the ‘money’ as legitimate tender for all debts, Public & Private. Hmmmmmm, where have I seen that before? In most instances, money was based on debt.
The Gold Smiths usually had safes and citizens needed a place to keep their intrinsic valuables, Thus enters the Banker or Money Changers.(*b.)
In the Temple Jesus called these men 'thieves' because they were not honest. Matthew 21:12 & 13; John 2:14 – 17; (*c.)
The Banker would issue his own script redeemable for the original valuable; to be used in lieu of the specie in the vault. The Banker would issue more script, as loans, (Debt, Called Fractional Banking,) on the gamble not all would redeem their valuables at the same time. This today would be called ‘A Run On The Bank’. The Bankers would charge Usury or Interest for the loans, which became very profitable. There are other writings that go into more depth on these details, which every citizen should have a working knowledge of.
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