This was 1st posted at
So many times I am asked to be praying for something &/or to be put on my prayer list. First of all I quit having a prayer list, as I always ran out of paper. I do know there are many who have and keep up 'Prayer Journals' and are Blessed accordingly.
I will pray right then and usually ask that when there is further need I will be quicken to pray at that time and sometimes I am and sometimes I am not.
Nevertheless there is always prayers going on and is Another reason when asked, I say we are in prayer, (Before The Throne & 2 or more together in HIS Name!) and we will be looking for the "Good Report!" in JESUS' Name!
I do not know why I am telling you this. [At the time I 1st wrote this I was in the Dark though you will be able to see the light come in steps and/or stages.]
Earlier today (around 9 AM onMonday the 26th of Jan. 2009) I become aware of gargantuan activity in the spiritual realm and around 3 PM, I told Marilyn that there is a battle going on & it will soon become obvious to those sensitive, as it breaks out & forth in the here & now. Those who are not plugged in will only be able to see havoc & turmoil and thus not able to be of service.
I am always aware that a prophet never misses. One miss and you are out. In other words; Not a Prophet Of God! ... A False Prophet.
I was also checked earlier [Around 10 AM], not to use the word 'Ministry' during a phone conversation with a brother that is being taken in an explosive expansion, as a servant of the most high GOD and was prompted to use 'Service' instead, not knowing then what it meant at the time.
During the different activities during the day I was aware of the military and the reference of being in the service and quicken to this:
Jesus told us in Matt. 10:34 "Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword."
For what it is worth:
Tell me it is presumption; Amos 3:7
Continuing as a servant serving The Most High GOD!
As usual , looking 4 'The Good Report!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Spiritual Battles In The Heavenlies!
Posted by Dr. DP at 7:01 AM 0 comments
Labels: battle, blessed, dark, direction, discerning of spirits, Dr. D. P. Gatten, enlightened, GOD, havoc, JESUS, Kingdom, light, peace, prayer, prophet, prophetic, Re-Commitment, service, turmoil
Friday, January 2, 2009
I: Moving On To
Energy Medicine!
Starting a New Year and maybe a new direction, allow me to publish my "Thoughts", on 'ENERGY MEDICINE'.
I will always Be open and sensitive to direction, by The HOLY SPIRIT, Nevertheless, knowing in my 'Heart of Hearts' for decades and now boldly to proclaim, that the Creative Juices Flowing is a Gift we should never stifle, so 'Here We Go!', knowing I will have "The Philippian Stop Sign" to keep me from going astray. (Yes I know that was a 'Run-on Sentence'!)
Studying 'Alternative Medicine' will always take you into areas that 'Mainstream &/or Traditional Church' will point their crossed index fingers at you and run without allowing God to speak thru it. (Remember Balaam's Ass?) So be forewarned that you may get to be feeling uncomfortable following along this process.
"SO! ... ... ... What about 'Energy Medicine'?" You Sez.
"I am you asked.", I sez.
Energy Balance influences all empirical results, even to what appears, as nothing happening. Regardless of it being toward healing, per se, or any area in one's life.
Believing is also a main factor, though I have found that the healings very seldom manifest in similar manners. Having experienced others being healed thru me, as the vehicle (& others) at times there was a knowing of the impartation before &/or during the contact &/or prayer, always with the evidence at hand to be the 'Proof of the Pudding'.
Healings can be Instantaneous and also thru herbs &/or the hands of a practitioner of one of 'Alternative Medicines', To God Be The Glory! (Whether you believe it to be HIM or not!) I will have more to say about this as we go along.
At this time, my wife & I are experiencing results thru Energy Medicine. I may address the specifics in future posts. Nevertheless, we are experiencing empirical relief in many areas and are expecting more.
We would have never ventured down this path had Allopathy had accomplished anything other than covering up symptoms and in turn inducing worse side effects than the original malady. Just listen to the commercials on TV with disclaimers that just as well say, “If you die using our drug, you have been warned!”
Loved Of The LORD, or any other skeptic, having a problem so far, bring me to task and leave a comment! Be Blessed at what HE is having you do, 1 aka Dr. DP
Posted by Dr. DP at 7:01 AM 0 comments
Labels: Alternative Medicine, belief, Dr. D. P. Gatten, ENERGY MEDICINE, healing, Holy Spirit, Philippian Stop Sign, Re-Commitment, Spiritual, Thoughts