On this special day, we Americans offer up our sincere recognition and admiration to the remembrance, of all our Veterans who have passed on, as well as of those disabled and still living today. We applaud their contributions and dedication to preserve our freedom and way of life.
Join with us on this Veterans Day, as we take time to thank the Veterans who have bravely served these many years and have given the ultimate sacrifice to defend this great nation of ours.
Be blessed today that those who govern us have set aside this day for us to honor and show our gratitude to those who protect and serve.
We pray God’s Best for the men and women actively serving in our military today and all thru the year. Our armed services make us, as Americans proud with what they have been called to do.
Take a moment to reflect and offer up Thanksgiving! 1 aka DP
Monday, May 26, 2008
God Bless Our Troops And The USA!
Posted by Won at 11:58 AM 0 comments
Labels: remembrance, thanksgiving, Veterans Day
Friday, May 16, 2008
ANYWAY by Mother Teresa
Thanks to: Present Testimony Ministry
For this good advice from Mother Teresa!
ANYWAY by Mother Teresa
People are unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered.
Love them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.
Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some false friends and true enemies.
Succeed anyway.
The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
Be good anyway.
Honesty and frankness will make you vulnerable.
Be honest and frank anyway.
What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight.
Build anyway.
People need help but will attack you if you help them.
Help them anyway.
In the final analysis, it is between you and God.
It was never between you and them anyway.
- Mother Teresa
The Tele-Conference is posted at dpg.com Take a listen!
Be Blessed, 1 aka DP
Posted by Won at 8:51 AM 0 comments
Labels: anyway, mother teresa
Monday, May 12, 2008
Debut “We Are Interviewing The Experts” ~ SCUBA ~
Announcing The Debut of
"We Are Interviewing The Experts"
Tele-Conferencing Calls!
Right out the gate we will start with a good friend of mine and a SCUBA and Free Diving Expert Tom Zimmerman. We want to invite everyone who has an interest in Sport Diving and/or who know Tom and want to hear what he has to say.
Tom is not the Ordinary Garden Variety of Orthodox Diver and we would not recommend anyone to take up diving the way he was introduced to the sport.
Another thing we will touch on is a terminal disease called "Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis" and how it affected Tom's Diving.
Here is the Telephone Number:
1. Dial-In to the Conference Number 1-712-432-3000
2. Enter this Conference Bridge Number: 889832
Join us five minutes early, so we can say hi to you!
Looking forward to hearing you on the call.
Be Blessed, DP
PS Be sure to leave a comment here! Thanks!!!
Posted by Won at 9:35 PM 0 comments
Labels: debut, diver, expert, idiopathic-pulmonary-fibrosis, interview, scuba, tom-zimmerman
Sunday, May 4, 2008
(LAMININ) You Can Always Tell A Skeptic … B U T … JOSHUA!
You CANNOT Tell Them Much!
(After they dump … they run!)
Hope fully this will engage the intellectual proteins that reside in some of my readers here at WonPreacher. WonPreacher received a comment this morning to the ‘LAMININ' - Louie Giglio post on April 21st from Joshua, with no way to occupy him in dialogue. I will leave name-calling to him. (See Below)
Joshua’s salutation is: “Are Christians dumbing down?” Now of course I am not Joshua, yet if I was going to introduce my perspective to someone else for evaluation I believe that I would start with something less confrontational. Let me give you an example. I know not only that there is A GOD I also know that the only way to Him is thru His Son Jesus God’s Anointed.
Like Joshua I can start with: Get Down On Your Knees You Sinner And Repent And Ask God For Forgiveness And Accept What The Lord Jesus Has Done For You That You Will Not Spend Eternity In The Burning Lake Of Hell-Fire & Brimstone! YET I would chose a way to engage the persons intellect and pray that The Holy Spirit would quicken that measure of faith that Paul tells us that has been given to everyone! (Rom 12:3) And not run them off at the Get-Go!
Joshua continues with: “Are you so controlled by this way of thinking that you can't think critically?” Some more name calling for sure! Joshua you need to come off the plantation that keeps you a slave and in the bondage that does not allow you to have the freedom to practice what you are preaching.
Now this gets really interesting: “God gave you a mind that can be used to weed out information that is FRIVOLOUS and to concentrate on the information that is SIGNIFICANT.” No doubt that Joshua has not even looked at the information of what Laminin is and how significant it is to life. It did not ooze forth from some primordial slime. Laminin is vital to making sure overall body structures hold together. This is the “FRIVOLOUS information ” that Joshua has weeded out, so his premise remains un-scathed from the truth. In order for this not to turn into a tome, let me just say that he chose “to weed out” the “SIGNIFICANT information” so that he could bolster his attack on the facts. (Using Joshua’s Emphasis.)
Hang On! Here we go!: “While it may be neat that this protein molecule, when diagrammed, is in the shape of a cross, that's really all it is: neat. What it is not is some kind of innate proof of the existence of a god, The God of the Bible or Jesus.” Since Joshua is not around, I know that I am preaching to the Choir, Nevertheless, The Spirit bears witness. Here is where I agree with Joshua that it is "neat that this protein molecule, when diagrammed, is in the shape of a cross,” though it will maintain the general shape because of what it is.
(1Co 1:25 Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men. )
Now here comes his clincher!: “If a researcher found a molecule in the shape of a Sleigh, would it be proof of the existence of Santa Claus? Would they go head-over-heels about it? No. It would go something like this: "Wow, that kind of looks like a sleigh." and then they would move onto something of importance. Please remember that critical thinking is what strengthens ideas.” What would warrant the effort of “that critical thinking” would be that that “molecule in the shape of a Sleigh” was the protein, which guaranteed every girl and boy a gift on December 25th. That the “molecule in the shape of a Sleigh, would” be frosting on the cake!
Now to the references that is the ‘coup de grace’ putting the “dumbed down Christians” out of their misery!: “An X-Ray Santa Claus in Orion: The European Space Agency's XMM-Newton X-ray observatory has discovered a huge cloud of high-temperature gas resting in a spectacular nearby star-forming region, shaped somewhat like the silhouette of Santa Claus. http://www.esa.int/esaSC/SEMOCI73R8F_index_0.html” JEP! Here is a cloud of gas, like a water vapor cloud in our skies, which will be a hand today and a banana tomorrow.
And this will put the whole discussion finally to bed!: “Also.... this image should speak for itself:
http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/G/01/askville/1234711_4925850_mywrite/lncopy.jpg” YES! 22 Images and "Also.... this image should speak for itself” One looks like a scorpion, A ‘Slam Dunk’ in the happening, a horse rearing, a tricycle, … I did not see anything that looked like a Santa or a Sleigh,
B U T ! I did see one that could pass for a cross! ;-)
Joshua, it is to bad that you ran off. I was wondering what I was going to write about today and I would like to thank you! 1 aka DP
Posted by Won at 2:42 PM 0 comments
Labels: 1Co 1:25, dumbing down, laminin, primordial slime, Rom 12:3
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Not being a conformist in The Traditional Church myself and always having questions about what and why things were taught and done the way they were, I found my self searching for The God of the Scripture. For three decades my search for and finding His Face and learning and knowing His Ways more each day, I was always coming across men who were disillusioned and disappointed in the god presented to them in church.
Over the years I found my God & Savior to meet me at my need and was always there when ministering to other men (And women at different times.) who had problems relating to the hoops we were told to jump through from the pulpit. Some of us were not the preverbal ‘Nice Guys’ The Church expected us to be. To find out that He had made us a certain way and to fellowship with Him in that Uniqueness was so refreshing and revealing. It would have been an easier Trek had I had my learning enhanced and confirmed by the practical and alarmingly revealing perspective of Wild at Heart years ago!
John emphasizes that each one of us were created in His Image of being Wild at Heart. I can remember twenty-five years ago telling men that my Jesus was not a ‘Frail Fromp’ in a white dress, for women and children alone! My Lord was a Man’s Man. He was compassionate and understanding when the time was at hand, yet always ready to confront disingenuous acts and turn over tables in the temple courts.
Am I really a man? Is the haunting question in a male’s life. John give examples of men at the coffee shop sharing a few verses having resolved that “there is no battle to fight!” except “traffic and meetings and hassles and bills.” How many times during my secular and mundane employment was my heart set on fire when given a challenge that looked impossible, but somehow I knew I would accomplish it! The Battle was on!
The Wound that is there that needs to be faced up to and resolved. How awesome that that insight reveals and then a way for it to be reconciled. How many of us can relate to the different examples used, some from out of John’s own life.
The Battle for a man’s heart that so many times is lost to the enemy by it not being affirmed by a father who has not been affirmed himself. Needing to hear the Father’s (Or Male Authority Figure’s.) voice of approval. Then Hearing The Confirmation From The Father Himself!
Showing the wound healed, the enemy engaged, the beauty rescued and living the adventure that is placed before every man who can acknowledge and grasp hold of it.
Now the Nay Sayers will report that John takes Scripture out of context, though I yet have to see them give an example. All I can say is that the appropriate passages were used at the proper time to minister the truth at that moment. The Holy Spirit ministers beyond the nominal critique.
Have some questions or issues with the god of The Church, men this is a must read!
1 aka Dr. D. P. Gatten dpgatten dot com ©2008
Posted by Won at 11:06 PM 0 comments
Labels: institutional church, men, minister, Savior
Friday, May 2, 2008
Profit Center for the Thinking Center! ;-)
Time for a word from the 'Profit Center' of this enterprise.
Go to Main Site to see what is happening! Click Here.
Be Back Soon!
1 aka DP
Posted by Won at 7:18 PM 0 comments